Chapter 1: Just Another Day

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Jumin's POV

I sat back on the office chair in V's office and tried to call him for the sixth time. Why does this man never attends his phone. I clenched my jaw in flustration and let out a sigh, giving up my attempts to call my friend. I looked over to computer monitor to my right to check if anyone was on their way to the room I'm in and fortunately, no one was.

I smirked and went directly to MeTube in my phone and clicked on a cute cat video. I watched the video, happily but none of those cats were no match to my beautiful feline friend, Elizabeth the 3rd, when it comes in terms to beauty. I watched a couple of video to let time pass by but on the fourth video, I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said, placing my phone on the table after turning it off.

"Good morning, Mr. Han," Assistant Jaehee Kang said, gloomy as usual.

"Good morning," I said. She had a bunch of papers and some files in hand.

"Luciel has news," she said in a really serious tone.

"Well, what is it?"

"He found a new group formed in Seoul," she said, placing the bunch of files on my desk.

"That's new."

"He doesn't have any proof yet but he thinks that they might be behind the recent bomb attack at the convenience store," she said, after clearing her throat.

"Right," I said. "I hope he finds who was behind that attack. So what's my schedule for the day?"

"Mr. Han, today is a day-off for everyone," she said, sadly. "Except for me, that is."

"Is there a special occasion or something?" I asked, confused.

She looks a bit surprised. "Today evening is your father's engagement party," she said with a sigh. "Don't tell me you forgot."

"I did," I said, feeling stupid. How did I forget that? "But on the bright side, I remember buying gifts for him and Glam Choi."

"The party is going to held at the banquet hall at Golden Horse Hotel at 6 p.m.," she said, while checking a file.

"Alright." I've always hated parties. Mostly because there'll be a lot of people and worst of all, women that are obsessed over me. "You're going to be there too?"

"As much as I don't wanna interrupt an event like this, I have to be there. I'm in charge of the guest list." I nodded. "And your father has told me to tell you that you can't bring Elizabeth to the party."

"Why?" I asked.

Assistant Kang shrugged. "I know, but it's Mr. Chairman's order," she said.

"Fine. Poor Elizabeth the 3rd," I said, feeling bad that I'll have to leave her alone all night. "Can she stay over at your place?"

Jaehee frowned. "But I'll be at the party," she said.

"She's going to be so lonely," I said, sadly. I hope Elizabeth the 3rd doesn't hate me for this.

"Anyway..." She handed me a red file. "This is the brief details about the cat project you mentioned yesterday and I sent the detailed version of it to your office, back in C&R." She took a green file. "This is report on the Busan attack a few days ago."

"Thank you," I said, reading the papers in the green file.

"I will take my leave," she said before leaving.

The file was really detailed for a brief version, which wasn't surprising in Assistant Kang's case. The attack killed 46 innocent people and injured 60 people and it was all because of another group. Its existence was proclaimed two months ago but they're surprisingly powerful. Seven is having a boring time (according to him) trying to get into their personal information and all and he said that their codes are really strong and secure, which is rare to find in other groups. We can't do anything right now, mainly because this is actually the least of our problem since we're in charge of Seoul.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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