Chapter 2

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Henry Sawyer

In the following weeks, I had, unfortunately, gone to the Smiths, but not without throwing up in their bushes first. They asked me how I was doing with my studies and how many children I wanted. It was probably the second worst day of my life. During those weeks, I did my studies and superintended the slaves picking cotton. My father made me do that job, when I was 12 years old. I think he was trying to tell me something.

Of all the slaves who worked on the field, there was one in particular who hated me the most. Don't get me wrong, they all strongly hated me, but Mary, she hated me to the ends of the earth. When I first started the job, she came up to me and said, "I hate you." She gave me a worse first impression than Julia and her's was bad. Since then, Mary and I have had a mutual dislike for each other.

While I was working, I would watch and the slaves, but the only thing I was seeing was Rosa's beautiful face. I tried to think of other things, but she just kept coming back in my mind. I tried to stay away from the house as long as I could, so I wouldn't see her and go riding on my horse in the woods, but at night she was in all my dreams. There was nothing I could do that would keep her out of my mind.

One particular evening, after John (Melissa's husband) had taken over supervising the slaves, I went back to the house thinking about Rosa. I was in such a daze that I walked right into someone as I went in my room.

"Oops, sorry. I-" I stopped mid-sentence when the person turned around. It was Rosa! We stared at each other for what seemed like hours, but in reality it was probably a few seconds. Then I finally spoke, "I didn't realize you were here. I'll try not to disturb you."

I sat at my desk and tried to concentrate on my reading I had to do for school, but when the person you've been thinking of for weeks is in the room, it throws you off. I just kept thinking, Forget that vow you made, go talk to her! Finally, I got up and shut the door. Rosa gave me a look, which I learnt later was the "I'm gonna be in trouble after this" look.

"Rosa..." I said as I walked over to her, "I don't know about you, but I can't stop thinking about you. There's just something different about you than the other girls, slaves and whites, that I really like."

I could see it in her eyes that she felt the same way, but what she said was the total opposite.

"I don't know what you's talkin' about, Young Master. All I know is that you's suggesting somethin' that could get me killed."

I didn't listen to her and held her face in my hands.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered.

Then, I couldn't resist it anymore and I did the unimaginable. I kissed her.

Rosa Jackson

The kiss was amazing. It was sunshine and sugar and rainbows and flowers. It was like I was somewhere else or someone else. It felt like I was free. It started out sweet and soft like a little lamb and then grew more passionate with every second. Then next thing I knew, it was all over and everything came rushing back to me. I realized that I would be in big trouble. So, I ran. I didn't care if I hadn't finished in the Young Master's room, I just ran. I ran out of the room, down the steps and out the house. I didn't stop 'til I was at the cabin.

"Rosa!" I heard someone say. I quickly turned around and saw Matthias Shirley walking towards me.

Matthias Shirley was another slave in the plantation. He was tall, dark and handsome, but just a little too boastful for me.

"Are you okay?" Matthias asked, looking closely at me, "You don't look too good."

"I'm fine." I said as I walked away.

"Wait, Rosa!" he called

"Yes?" I said

"Look what I got." He took out a small silver coin. I gasped.

"Did you's steal that?" I whispered.

"No!" he exclaimed, "The Master gave it to me."

"He gave that to you? Why?" I asked.

"I did some jobs for him and he gave it to me." Matthias explained.

"What kind of jobs?" I asked more curiously.

Matthias rolled his eyes and exclaimed, "You ask too many questions! It don't matter."

"Okay," I said, "I jus' hope you ain't betrayin' any body."

Matthias quickly lost his high airs and looked to the ground. Hmm-hmph, I thought. I knew his type all too well.


That night, I wanted to tell Mary everything that had happened, but I knew she wouldn't understand. If I did tell her, I would have been in big trouble. Actually, I, we were already in big trouble, it's just nobody knew it yet.

I dreamed that I was in a world where I could do what I want, when I want, with who I want. I dreamed of Young Master Henry and his beautiful smile, golden hair and bright eyes. I dreamed that we were together and nobody cared. But it ended all too quick and I was soon in the real world where slaves and slave owner's sons didn't fall in love.

Henry Sawyer

I woke up the next morning and thought, She kissed me back. The day before, I had kissed Rosa, a slave, probably the worst thing I could ever do, but it felt so right. The best part was when part she kissed me back, I could feel myself getting lost in her kiss, but it had ended all too fast and the next thing I knew she was gone. It didn't matter to me though, I just fell back on my bed and smiled. It was the greatest feeling ever.

The next morning, I was still in that happy mood. I bounced down to the dining room humming a song I just made up.

"You're in a good mood." my mama commented as I entered the room.

"Yes I am." I replied.

"Well good for you." my mama smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled back.
Soon my father came and we sat down to breakfast as the slaves served us. As everyone talked, I just ate and smiled thinking of Rosa. I couldn't believe she liked a guy like me.

"Son, I need you to superintend the slaves this morning, I'll take your shift." I barely heard my father say.

"Okay" I replied dreamily.

After a few minutes, it clicked what my father had said and I got a brilliant idea. I quickly finished my breakfast and rushed up the stairs to my room. Thankfully, Rosa was there making my bed. She looked up and smiled shyly. I smiled back and let her finish. Just as she was leaving, I whispered, "Meet me at the big tree at sundown. I want to show you something."

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