Chapter One

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|that girl with her dead eyes and her fake smiles and her countless scars|


Jasmine's Point Of View.

The cold, brisk air tore at my lungs as I struggled to keep my pace. My breath came out in gasps; my legs weak and shaking.  But  still I could not stop. I had to keep going; had to get away from him. 

So I ran, trying to make sense of the thick darkness before me. The pain that shot up my body through my legs as I ran was getting to be too much. I had to get to safety.

But suddenly he was there again right in front of me. And I didn't know how he could be that fast, how he all of a sudden had a hard grip on me again. I tried to push him away but he was too strong, and it was too late-

I woke up in my bed, a loud painful scream clawing it's way through my body and up my throat. Tears freely escaped from my eyes and streamed down my cheeks. I pushed my legs up to my chest and rested my head on my knees. 

A loud tapping came from outside my door.

"Jasmine? Honey, is everything okay?" It was my mom. 

Sighing, I lay back down and pull the covers up to my chin. Ever since..the incident I've been having nightmares. My mom and sibblings don't have the slightess clue as to what my nightmares are about, or what causes them. They don't even know what happened to me. And I never intend to tell them.

What they don't know won't kill them.

"Jasmine?" My mother's voice sounded through the door again, breaking me from my thoughts. 

"I'm okay mom. Just another bad dream, no big deal." I said reassuringly. 

I heard her sigh. "Alright. sure to start getting ready. The party starts in a couple of hours and we need help setting everything out."

The party.

I had totally forgotten all about it. Today was my older brother Cameron's "Welcome Home" party. He had moved out to L.A. and we haven't seen him in a while since he's been busy with all of his acting projects. So we decided to host a surprise party. A-Team (Cameron's friend's here back home) and some other family members were going to attend. I actually couldn't wait to see Cameron. I missed him so much...

I pushed the blankets off of me and got out of bed, going into the bathroom. I wasted no time in starting the shower, stripping off my night clothes, and heading inside. 

After I was done, I turned the shower off. Getting out, I wrapped a towel around my body and went back into my room to change. 

It was a hot day, I knew that. And the party would be outside. But I knew I couldn't wear anything too short, because my scars would show.

I decided to just wear my high waisted black and white tribal print shorts, with a sparkly long sleeve black shirt with lace at the shoulders and at the back. I paired it with my black lace-up wedge boots. 

I curled my hair, applied a little mascara, and then briefly returned to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

When I got back to my room, I recieved a text from one of my good friends, Ashley Ferrer. (Andrew Ferrer's -from Ateam- little sister)

Ash- Hey Jas! I can't wait for the party today. Me and Andrew are heading over to help set up right now. x

Me- I can't wait either! And alright, I'll see you soon then.

I sent the text and then I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. Going outside into the backyard, I saw Sierra and her boyfriend Brent blowing up all of the balloons. My mom was inside.

"Jasmine, can you put up the sign?" My mom called to me through the open back door.

"Alright." I called back to her. I got the mini ladder and tape along with the sign. Brent took a break from blowing balloons and helped me put it up. It read, "WELCOME HOME, CAM!"


Some hours passed by and more guests arrived including Ashley.

Ashley and I were sitting in the living room taking a little break. 

"So, what do you think of Cameron's new girlfriend?" She said, taking a sip from her pink lemonade.

I almost choked on my own drink as she said that. "Um..come again?"

Ashley snorted as she glanced at my expression. "Well, it's not really confirmed. But haven't you seen the pictures on Twitter? Her name's Rachel. My brother knows her too." She says showing me a picture of a girl with long brown hair holding hands with Cameron.

I blinked. If Cameron had a girlfriend, why wouldn't he tell me? 

I thought back to the last time he had gotten close to a girl. He had completly forgotten about me, and instead always hung out with her. Durring that time, we barely talked and I rarely got to see him. It was hard, because durring that time was when I got bullied, before I switched schools. I was at my lonliest and I felt as though self harm was my only escape; the only thing I had control over. But their fling ended a month later and then a couple of months after that he moved out to L.A.

"Jasmine?" Ashley asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly. "It's just-"

"CAMERON'S COMING IN FIVE MINUTES PEOPLE! HIDE!" Someone screamed from the kitchen. Ashley and I gasped, as everyone joined us in the living room. Everyone hid under and behind the couches, under lampshades, etc. 

About a couple minutes later, the door knob shook, and a pair of keys jingling it's way into the key hole could be heard. The door flung open, and the sunlight from outside brightened the dark living room.

And out popped all of our bodies, everyone screaming "Cameron!" "Welcome home!" "Surprise!" Everyone but me. Because I was only focussed on the person next to my brother.

"Wow! Thank you everyone. I-I've missed you all." Cameron exclaimed. "I'd like you all to meet someone special to me.." He trailed off.

And next to Cameron, draped around his arm, there she was.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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