Chapter two

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It's been a few minutes since suzuno came by and Lucifer was getting really annoyed, she won't stop making him do the laundry and the cooking so he planned to escape but not to long, just until she gets away. While she was doing the cooking he ran outside and summoned his wings and flew away.

He landed somewhere in town when he sees mgronalds.
"Oops" he say while running away.
He ran. and ran. and ran, until he was tired and laid against the wall of an alley to catch his breath. He heard foot steps coming from the end of the alley and got up just incase that someone would attack him. It was an alley after all. Then that person came out of the shadows.
"W-what are you doing here!?" Lucifer says after seeing Olba in front of him.
"Oh me I'm here to bring you back with me, my dear Lucifer" he responded while walking closer and closer to Lucifer.
Feeling fear flow through his body Lucifer ran. It didn't take long before he found a dead end. Olba was not far behind him as he sees him coming too close to his liking. Without being able to run or fight from his none stop running wich he wasn't used to, he summoned his wings once more to fly away. As he jumps in the air he feels a hand painfully pulling him down on the cold stone floor of the dark alley. He tried to release himself from Olba's grasp but it was all in vain. He then felt a surging pain in his head as all became black.
"I passed out" he thought. "Why am I so scared" he continued,
"Maou is going to look for me... right?"

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