Chapter 1.

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I'm gasping and choking for breath as my legs drag behind me in a clumsy manner. Although I'm used to running by now - my short, black hair blinding me; the cold air choking my lungs; and the wind stinging my dark blue, teary eyes - it still sucks.
I reach my arms up at the right moment, grasp onto the nearest tree branch, and hurl myself up. My hands ache from the tight grip, but I've got no time to worry about some petty scratches.
The skin walker reaches it's claws toward me, but I jump up in time to crash-land on it's back, jabbing my knives into its skull rapidly. As it squeals in pain, I kick it down to the ground with a grunt and a sigh, pulling my knives out and cleaning the blood off with my shirt.
"I'll be out of this place in no time." I whisper to myself, letting the words drift in the wind, grasp onto the leaves, and crumble with lies. I sigh once more. "Yeah right..."
Let's face the truth now - I'm never getting out of here.
I start moving again, shoving the knives in my belt.
Thinking about the last time I was in contact with a skin walker, I come to a realization that these monsters are pretty rare. I smile at the memory.
That was a happy moment for me... One of my most successful kills down here.
I spot a lake and my eyes are cover-coated with joy. I run up to it, but stop, and whirl around, slipping a knife out of my belt. A little boy is holding a gun up to my chest, his eyes wild with terror.
His dirty blond sticks up in all places that match his coffee brown eyes and smooth, childish face. He wears a black jacket and jeans, with a band T-shirt.
I snag the gun out of his hand, throwing it to the ground, pulling out another one, and he immediately tries to run. I hold him in a tight grasp, holding the gun up to his head. He screams with pure agony, but I quickly clamp my hand over his mouth.
"Stop screaming, kid, you're going to draw attention to us! And then we'll both get killed!" I scold. The little boy swallows hard, and stops screaming.
"Now, who are you?" I threaten.
"M-my name I-Is Hunter!" The little boy answers immediately. His voice is filled with fear. "I swear, I'm not a monster! I just got here!"
"If you just got here, you're obviously a monster!" I retaliate. "Monsters who sin and die, obviously go here before they go to Heaven or Hell!"
"Th-that makes you a monster too, then," Hunter's voice quivers.
"Obviously," I sass. "But I'm more of a survivor, not a killer."
"I just saw you kill that creature!" Hunter squeaks. I kick him in the shin as a warning and he buckles down.
"You're in Purgatory, kid. All monsters, sometimes humans, go here to pay for their sins," I explain. I clear my throat. "What are you?" I ask.
"I don't know! I SWEAR!" Hunter's voice cracks with fear.
"Let's just find out then," I say. Before Hunter is able to run off scared, I pull the trigger through his head. The boy bites his tongue so he doesn't scream. He remains uninjured, and Hunter starts to panic.
"HOW-HOW IS THAT EVEN P-P-POSSIBLE?" Hunter gasps melodramatically.
"You're not a vampire, werewolf, skin walker, or shape shifter, that's for sure, since that bullet was silver. I'm pretty sure you're not a demon either, considering that that bullet was also filled with salt and holy water, so you're also not a ghost," I think out loud, "what about angel..." Hunter shuts his eyes tight, too petrified to move.
I put the gun away, and pull out an oddly shaped knife, stabbing him in the chest. He is still unharmed.
I shove him to the ground. Maybe it's harmless. I mean, it's a kid, after all. But, still, it could be tricking me.
"Alright, listen. If I ever see you again, you can bet your butt that you won't live for another minute! You got that?" I growl.
Hunter gulps. "Y-yes, ma'am!"
"Good. Now take your gun and get out of here!" I shove the gun to his chest, and he immediately runs, tripping over a tree branch. I can't help but feel sympathy for him. But I know this place well enough to not trust anyone, no matter what age, race, gender... Purgatory has no room for trust.
I cup my hands together, dip them into the water, and take a couple of sips. I splash some water on my face, rubbing away the dirt and sweat.
Before I move on, I notice a trail of blood leading away from the bubbling river as flashes of red swing by my eyes. I look around and scream as I see more and more blood everywhere I look. I am running once again, away from this unbelievable nightmare. Away from this horror. I can't stand it any longer - I splash more water on my face, and the memory fades. I sigh with relief.
I start walking again, through the river, feeling my shoes drench with water. As I get to the other side, I shake my feet a little.
And that's when I see another chupacabra. Its jaws are clenched together tight, and it snarls at me.
"Oh great," I whisper, taking out my gun. Before I can shoot, the chupacabra darts behind me, and I quickly jump up, landing on its head. It squeals when I shoot it in the head - a one hit K.O.
I turn to my left when I hear slow clapping coming from a man in a black suit and tie, Black hair and dark grey eyes. When I notice his horn, I immediately know that he's a demon. His vessel doesn't seem the age he really is.
"Not bad, for a noob," the demon comments, his voice deep and raspy.
I point my gun straight to his chest.
"Oh, come on, now, can't we all be friends?" The demon teases with a smirk.
"In your dreams, you piece of crap!" I say, pulling the trigger. But I was too late. The demon already disappeared, reappearing behind me.
"You missed a spot," he teases.

I groan. "Shut it! What the hell do you want?" I question.

"Cute accent. British, eh? Anyways, enough chatter. I have something you need," the demon informs, "a way out."

I stare at him coldly. "What's the catch?"

"The catch is, that I'm coming with you. Either that, or you can find a way out yourself," the demon explains.

"Really? Oh, come on! You're the worst cons man ever. Seriously? That's all? I would think that a demon could do better! I could even do better, and I'm thirteen for crying out loud!" I scold.

"Deal or no deal?" The demon asks, ignoring my snarky comment.

I think for a few minutes. He could be lying. Purgatory creatures can't be trusted, no matter what they are. But at this point, I am desperate to get out of here. I lower my gun. "What's your name?" I ask.

The demon smirks a little. "Kage."

I narrow my eyes slightly. "Deal...," I decide.

Kage lifts his head up a little. "You sure, kid?"

"Of course I'm sure!" I reply, angrily. "And I'm not a kid!"

We reach toward each other, staring into each others' eyes. I stare at him with cold hatred, and he stares right back, blankly.

"Let's just get this over with," I mumble, as our lips meet to make the deal. After a few seconds, I pull back, wiping my mouth with disgust.

"Can't believe my first kiss was with a demon," I groan.

Kage laughs, and I slap him angrily. "That's for calling me a kid!" I snort. He rubs his cheek, and whispers, "ow...," as we go on our way.

"Trust no-one."

"Can't I trust you?

"...Not even me..."

"What does that mean?"

"You'll know when the time is right."

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