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Practice... Practice... Practice...
That's all we ever do. Practice. I knew it was going to be hard when I first came here, but I never expected this much of a challenge. There was seven of us starting out. Seven girls in Beyond Tomorrow. That was how things were supposed to be, but now there are four left.  Park Eunhye... Yoo Mihi... Kim Seoyeon... (Y/N).

Park Eunhye was our rapper and the oldest. She was our leader and look care of all of us like we were her children. Eunhye is nineteen but she acted almost thirty. Next would be Yoo Mihi are main dancer and vocalist. Mihi has a literal heart of gold. She made sure we were all comfortable no matter what we were doing. Mihi was also nineteen, but she definitely acted her age.

Then there was me (Y/n). I wasn't as good as everyone else, I'm a vocalist and I'm always the last to learn the dances. Honestly I'm probably the weakest link. Then we have our baby for the group Kim Seoyeon. She's the exact opposite of Mihi and Eunhye. She's the visual of the group and is an attention seeker. Mihi and Eunhye love her to death but even they get tired of her attitude.

Right now as Eunhye hold my long black hair back as I threw up in the trash can. My hair wasn't always black it used to be (f/c) but I dyed it for our debut. Seoyeon pretty much glared daggers into the back of my head. " (y/n) you need to get the dance right!" Seoyeon snapped. You'd think she was leader if you did know who it was supposed to be.

"Seoyeon, calm down let her empty her stomach then we can continue." Mihi spoke out calmly putting one hand on Seoyeon's back. Seoyeon sighed and rubbed her face.

"Alright." She replied go over to her water bottle picking it up and taking a long slip. " (y/n) if you mess up tomorrow I won't forgive you."

I knew she meant it our debut means everything to everyone in the room, so if I mess up that's it. I'm basically dead. I'd have to work hard tonight to get it just perfect. I had a duty to them to make it as good as I physically can even if I pass out afterwards. Eunhye let go of my hair as I lifted my head up fully.

"Let's do it again..." I said quietly, Eunhye rubbed my back gently, looking hesitant to let us try again. "Please." I looked down at my feet.

Seoyeon got up and smiled. "Alright let's do it." She retorted her mood completely doing a one-eighty. We all got into our spot and our manager started the music again and we danced our hearts out singing our parts as they came on.

Once the song came to an end I was panting. We had gone over this nearly fifty times today. " ( y/n) you finally got it right!" Seoyeon hugged me and smiled. " Goof job! Now just do this tomorrow." I smiled back at her, not knowing what else to do.

Our manager clapped his face lip up. " Great job girls! That looked amazing! I think it's time for you guys to head home and gets some sleep before tomorrow!" He smiled and we all smiled back.

"Thank you!" We all said at once bowing. Once our manager left we all ran around the room collecting our things. I was the the last one out like always so I shut the light off and began to walk back to the dorm that we had to stay at.

The dorm was small. We had a kitchen and two bedrooms, so we had to share rooms. We also only had one bathroom which is awful with four girls. The dorm wasn't that far from the practice building, so we all walked.

Once I got back to the dorm I saw Eunhye sitting on the couch right as I walked in. " Ahhhh (y/n) Seoyeon is taking a shower right now. She's always the first on in." Eunhye laughed rubbing the back of her head.

" I'll shower tomorrow I kinda just want to go to bed right now." I responded as I walked to my shared room with Mihi. Mihi was sitting on her bed with her earbuds in. " Hi, (y/n) going to bed?" She asked taking one ear bud out.

"Yeah I'm tired, I'll shower tomorrow morning." I said going over to the dresser grabbing a pair of pajama shorts and a plan black t-shirt.

"Alright, before you go to bed," Mihi started as I changed my clothes. " I want to talk to you for a little bit."

"Alright, Mihi." I responded sitting down on my bed after throwing my clothes in the hamper.

" (y/n) are you worried about tomorrow?" She asked taking her other ear bud out looking at me. I nodded.

"Of course..." I stated, " We've all worked so hard for this, and it's finally time."

Mihi smiled, " You're going to knock the socks off of everyone tomorrow."

I smiled back, " I really hope so."

Boom prologue is done. Next chapter will hopefully go by faster. Please enjoy

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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