Chapter 1

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I stumbled out of bed, dreading the day ahead of me. I slid on my sparkly yellow crocs and hopped into my checkered tracksuit as galloped down the stairs, making sure that my crocs are in speed mode. 

"I Bet you're excited for yet another wonderful day in school" my mother exclaimed as she gave me my bear-shaped ham sandwich. I grasped if from her as I devoured the sandwich whole. chomp chomp :)

I began sprinting down my driveway on all 4, hands and legs to increase my speed. My sports teacher always questions how I'm so speedy. My side pony wafted in my face as I let out a loud horse noise and jumped over the rocks on the road. I couldn't see and a loud honk approached me.

"Melissa Swamp!" an agonizing voice screeched in my ear, "How dare you think that you can snooze in my classroom?"

My heart skipped a beat as I heard her, Miss Willis, in the flesh. I get the chills whenever she speaks in her monotone voice. The fact that I'm stuck with this woman for another 2 years deranges me. I look up and sigh in her face, I've spent too many years obeying her every order that I've had enough. I plonked my head back on the table. I can almost see the face she's pulling right now after I did this. Her heals made noises on the floor, almost like a horse galloping... oh my god the dream. I laughed but quickly stopped as I realized I'm in a silent classroom surrounded by students who already are stunned at the fact that I spoke up to the wrinkled mess. 

After what felt like a lifetime, the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and charged out the classroom with my earphones in blocking out the sounds of the imbeciles surrounding me. I got my phone out to change the song as I bumped into a wall suddenly. I looked up to see a guy reaching his hand at me. I just gazed at him as he did this, no one ever notices me... 

"You gonna get up or just sit on the floor?" he questions as his eyes widen. Oh my god how long was I doing that, its weird?

"Oh sorry, just zoned out" I said as he helped me up and smiled awkwardly walking away. he pulled me back. 

"That was really cool" he said.

"Me falling..." I frowned, "you thought me falling on the floor was cool?" this guy has a weird definition of cool if THAT was cool.

He chuckled in his low raspy tone as he stroked the back of his neck, "no, no, no. Like what you did back in Willis' class, not like you to do that," I laughed awkwardly... again "I like the new you." He walked away slowly back into the distance and the top imbecile attacked him, Ben Spencer. let me give you an insight on this boy, his life outside school is a complete mystery and he knows EVERYTHING about EVERYONE. Jason shot me a quick side smile as Ben dragged him away...

❂ What is Ben's problem! I want to get to know Jason, but I can't with Ben dragging Jason away. Anyway, I walk down the hallway and I see my best friend Molly Warp. If I am being completely honest, she creeps me out a little bit! Once I saw her messaging a boy talking about where they would do the dirty ... On the positive side, she can be friendly and does stick up for me. 

" Hey girl! I saw some boy get a pencil put down his pants. weird." She questioned me on how my day was going. But I wasn't sure if I should be completely honest with her because she isn't fond of Jason. Like, I understand that he's one of the popular ones but that doesn't make someone a horrible person!

" Well Jason and I had a little moment, he spoke to me! His voice gave me goosebumps and ill never forget it!" I explained in joy. I was probably a bit too happy bearing in mind that I fully walked into him and embarrassed myself, but oh well. 

" I hate him, what do you see in him!" She snapped, as expected. " I am more of a snack than him and I'm thicker like a snicker," she said jokingly, punching my arm.

" No one likes snickers," I said, no one offends my future hubby like that! 

There he is, across the hallway from me. Thinking about it he always wears the same t-shirt, that's a little disgusting but I'm happy to leave that thought in the past. I look over to see Ben is giving me a nasty stare, as if I had done something to him. He is scary. I wonder if he can read my mind, that would be kinda cool but weird also.

"If he is your new lover lets go over and talk to him, I'm sure he would like me more anyway." She cackled like a witch as she waltzers over to Jason and Ben. They looked like they were having a very deep conversation but its too late to stop Molly now because she is trying to shove herself into Ben and Jason's face. 

"You have a shit stain on your pants" Ben snickered at Molly as he and Jason waddled off. I guess it wasn't so deep after all...

Molly's face dropped in defeat. She let out a wet fart, disgusting.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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