chapter 3

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"Oh, my," Aro said now louder as he laughed delightedly once again. "what a Joyous day this is for us all. Dear child what is your name." Aro looks at Roya with a big smile on his face. He felt like a proud father.

"My name is Roya Cullen," Roya said trying to be polite. 

"A beautiful name." aro said and walked towards her and continued "May I?" He asked as he held out his hand towards her. Alec let go of her arms and she didn't hesitate to give her hand to Aro. 

Aro closed his eyes and everyone held their breath as he finally opened his eyes. He looked at Roya with sad eyes and said "Such a young girl. Barely even lived before such a horrible thing. Your power is truly unique. I don't suppose you'll want to join us." 

Alec let go of her neck but laid his hand on her shoulder protectively. "My apologies but I have a family already," Roya said politely Aro sadly sighs and walks backwards a few steps. 

Jane walks to her brother elegantly and she halts next to him. she looks up at him curiously and she asks, "Brother, is she?" she already knows the answer but she had to make sure. Alec looks down at her and nods with an excited glint in his eyes and Jane smiles at him even though she feels conflicted. She's happy that he has found his mate, but she is also angry that it's one of the cullens.

Aro sighs and asks, "Now what to do with you, dear child." Aro walked forward and began to walk around the three youngest looking vampires in the room. Roya was on guard and Demetri's shadow began to move on its own. 

Demetri noticed and he looked down at it with disdain. He shuffled away from his own shadow as it began to move slowly towards Roya.

Roya's eyes snapped to the shadow and its movement stopped and it returned to normal.  

Aro watched with interest at the interaction between the girl and the shadow. "Interesting. Have the Cullens not taught you to control your powers? Your powers are too dangerous to be left untrained. Someone capable must teach you. I believe I have just the person in mind." Aro says and smiles widely as he glances toward the twins with a mischiveous look.

"No, It'll never work. He drinks from humans. They all do." Edward said after reading Aro's thoughts. He didn't like the idea that Roya's mate was one of the volturi. She was still young and impressionable and he didn't want her to change her views on feeding and other things that the Volturi could corrupt her with.

"Dear Edward, would you prefer we force poor Roya to stay here? You know as well as I do that the decision has already been made. And they aren't that different from each other just as Alice has seen." Aro says as he turns to look at Edward who sighs in annoyance but ultimately he has given up.

"Jane, Alec, Felix, Demetri, go pack your things, you will be going to Forks. You can think of it as making sure our dear Cullens keep their promise. Alec your job is to teach your mate to control her powers. If you are needed for a mission I will summon you but it will mainly be dealt with by the lower guard. Now go." Aro says and Felix and Demetri look at each other curiously. 

"Master Aro-" Demetri begins to say but is cut off by Aro raising his hand and saying "You two are insufferable without Jane to make sure you stay in line. I will take care of your living arrangement. You are to return after graduation, and Roya is to be brought with you." He spoke with a tone of finality and Edward and Alice shared a look of worry and both their eyes shifted to Roya, who had come back to Alice's side. 

"Cullens, you shall wait in the lobby until the guards are ready. Now go." Aro said once again and Edward began to lead the way out. 

Alec's eyes followed Roya's form almost deperately. He needed to hold her. He needed her close to him so he could make sure she is properly protected. He didn't trust the Cullens to take care of his precious mate.


A/N I'm sorry it has taken so long to update. I have been getting a bit more interested in other fandoms lately and I lost my motivation and inspiration for writing for some time. So you all can have this chapter as a peace offering.

Word Count: 780

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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