→Everywhere Is Nowhere←

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I've made my home in many places
From New York streets and subway seats
to London's cold and foggy sleets
From hotel rooms in the biggest suites
to motels sick with dirty sheets
In smokey clubs, that barely fit 104
to the largest stage of screaming more!
I've slept quite hard on buses and trains
with daily trips on wide- winged planes
and some days I've often felt very strange
cause something's missing
Got comfortable in the smallest car
with a noisy engine not destined to go far
Found myself lost in some nowhere bar
feeling the scar
of something missing
I've walked the rues of Paris

Champs- Élysées and historic places
past all kinds of lonely faces
including my own
cause something's gone
Made it to the mystery of Madrid
the magic of Barcelona
Just a little kitty in the big city
with needles, like threats, layin' in the street
where girls in little no matter the weather
walk the same sad beat
and bright lights and big dreams dance flirtatiously
Made my way to Italy
villages of Lucca
and the little, easy- going city of Palermo
with big hills and midnight seas
I've had my breath stolen from me on the mountains
of the Alps
looking out at the permanent painted picture of perfection in God's land
I've even touched the golden- red magenta sands of the Middle East
while the sun vanished over dunes that looked miles high
But no matter where I've slept
No matter where I've gone
in every dark corner I see
our passion rising right in front of me
like hot subway steam
hissing with fury
In every dark night I see a knight
and in every bright moon
I see what we have yet to discover
In every sunrise and orange sky
I hear your voice whispering in my ear
In the deep sands I feel your heat
beneath my feet is your heartbeat
In every ocean I feel you sweet with sweat making me wet
On every mountaintop
I feel your calm, your breeze, your breath
I'm every café you feed me with dreams
cause I can't wait to taste you
can't wait for you to fill me with all that I've been missing

And this must be what all those poets are talking about
cause everywhere is nowhere if you're not
somewhere near...

Alicia Keys: Tears for waterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora