Chapter Two

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Tossing the covers back, she sat up and turned toward the right where her window should have been. Instead there was a set of glass doors leading to a second-story balcony. She didn’t have a balcony. And for that matter she didn’t have a second floor either! Growing more confused by the moment, Chase ran a restless hand through her hair--at least she ran it through what remained of her hair.

Bolting from the comfortable bed, she hurried toward the first door she spotted. Fortunately, it was the bathroom--a bathroom three times as large as the one in her apartment. Its main features were the double sinks with gold fixtures, a stand-in shower with numerous gadgets to be viewed through the tri-panel glass doors, a Jacuzzi style tub large enough to accommodate four people and even a bidet about a foot away from the one-piece toilet. None of it was familiar and neither was her new hairstyle.

"How in the hell?" The good news was that Chase actually liked the hairdo although it was the shortest her hair had been since she was a toddler. The bad news was that she didn’t have any recollection of getting it done. Cut close to her scalp with tiny soft spikes sticking out from every angle on top of her head, the blonde and evidently highlighted hair had regained its natural shine. When she lifted her left hand to brush her fingertips over the spikes, Chase noticed the 14 karat gold band surrounding her usually naked ring finger. It was stunning with a heart-shaped diamond in the center that was surrounded by both round and baguette diamonds. She stared at the piece of jewelry with incredulity.

As if this situation weren’t peculiar enough. Chase could have sworn that the ring was a wedding band. What? Had she awakened, gotten drunk to the point her memory of last night’s events were zapped and then went out and married a skilled hairdresser with a spectacular house? Well, at least a spectacular master bath and bedroom? Removing it, she read the words engraved on the interior of the ring.

Chase, my heart is 4ever yours -- Mic

Mic? Who the hell was Mic and why had they given her this precious ring with the inscription that made no sense? Without full realization, Chase slid the ring back onto her finger as she refocused on her reflection. Not that she was conceited by any means, but she looked better--perhaps even attractive. Miraculously, her weight appeared to have increased, hiding the ribs that had begun to be noticeable. Her curves had returned, the dark circles underneath her eyes had disappeared and overall she felt livelier. She didn’t understand how, but it was true.

Asking herself what was going on as though she would magically come up with viable answers, Chase went back into the bedroom and lifted the pink note from the rose. Unfolding it, she read its contents three times, her confusion rooting itself deeper with each word.

Good morning and happy birthday sweetheart,

Simple instructions here (grin). Unless there is an earthquake (I’m talking 6.0 at least) or fire, you are not allowed to leave our bedroom until I say that you can. Feel free to pee, wash your face and brush your teeth, but don’t leave the bedroom--okay cutie? Love you.


Nervousness joined her confusion. The note seemed sweet enough yet there lay a not so subtle message--don’t leave the bedroom. Putting the note on the nightstand with a shaky hand, Chase searched the room for a weapon. This was a hostage situation. Somehow this Mic person found out where she lived, obviously drugged her and brought her here where he or she wanted to pretend that Chase was their wife. Mic was obsessed with her and had decided to kidnap her on her birthday.

Panic-stricken, Chase wrung her hands. There was no telling how long the creep had been watching her, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The thought of him following her around town caused the blonde to shiver. The phone. There was a phone on the opposite side of the bed. Although she half expected the line to be dead, Chase walked around and picked it up. To her amazement she heard a dial tone. This kidnapper must have been a novice because ordinarily the victim wouldn’t have a working phone at their disposal.

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