Chapter 7

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For me this is a boring chapter so skip if u want nothing to keep up on
Spam 1/2 (bc i didn't post yesterday)

Jwanny- i feel like we should all change our usernames

Gio👻- bu- but i just changed mine

Dyl$💋- i'm down

My.Skin.Is.ashy- no. wanna play a gameee i'm bored

Anns- truth or dare?

Mandla🐢🐢- how about a game of who has a crush on whoooo

kenziezieg- no.

Lucasperiod- ya no

Mandla🐢🐢- fine let's do it tomorrow

Emiskinner👉👈- NO i like jenzie:)))

Dyl$- all ashannie and jenzie<3

Nadsturner👑- mylan all the way.

Gio👻- quee?

Nadturner👑- dylan and mandla duh

Mandla🐢🐢- naden/cadia!1!1!

Cadencon- wow u know what it meansss

Cadencon- me and nadia-

Laurisbootiful- hannie 🙌🏻 no layden

Laurisbootiful- shut up

Jwanny- this is amazing 🍿

Hayhay💅- no no no no u guys got it wrong JENZIE OBVIOUSLY. i never thought i would agree with u

kenziezieg- guyss me and johnny r just friends nothing more!

*10 minutes later* johnny has been real QUIET since u sended that

kenziezieg- it's not like he likes me

Hayhay💅- "are u sure about that"

kenziezieg- u guys are so annoying 😀

Jwanny- i have a other game we should play when he got friend zone-

Cadencon- he's alive?! oh-

Jwanny- CADEN go to sleep.

Cadencon- okayyy😔

Emiskinner👉👈- whats the game?

Jwanny- lets all post in our insta whoever has more likes gets to pick the game tomorrow :)

Gio👻- i'm not gonna play i'm flying to LA so see u guys tomorrow!!

*everybody said bye. I'm to lasy to type all that lmao*

kenziezieg- i have the most followers sooo

Mandla🐢🐢- u gave me a shoutout doe

kenziezieg- well that doesn't mean ur gonna get the most likes

Dyl$💋- he's probably gonna win 😭

Mandla🐢🐢- yup yup

Jwanny- okay!! Come on

Lucasperiod- I'm winning

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