chapter 1

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I was riding my motorbike down town when I heard a scream. I looked around to see what the scream was about, I saw people running from something around the corner I made a sharp turn and what I seen scared the living hell out of me. There was people on the ground being eaten by other people. I turned around and I drove way from that. I looked at everyone and I was about to make a sharp right turn, When I got hit in the head by something and I blacked out. I began to wake up and seen that I was on the ground outside. I slowly got up and looked around me and I seen that my motorbike was laying right next to me. I must of hit something hard because I was in an alley way between two buildings. I began to sit up and I seen there was a body right next to me, and the body was missing it face. The body looked like the face was torn off by something not human. I moved away from the body and the body began to breath. I began to freak out and the body was slowly beginning  to sit up and look at me. I was about to say something and then the body started to crawl fast towards me. I stood up and the monster stared to crawl fast towards me and I ran away from the monster. I run out of the alley way and on to the street and I seen that there was more of those monsters out there and I didn't know what to do. I looked around me to see if there were other people and I seen there was someone running away from some of them. I started to follow the person towards a store and I didn't know if the person was even alive. I moved closer to the store and I heard a gun shot being fired inside the store. I made my way inside the store and I looked around the front. I moved farther towards the back of the store and I seen the person on the ground being eaten by another monster. The monster looked up at me and went back to eating the person. I slowly moved away from it and felt that there was someone else in here with us. I turned around and seen a baby blanket on the ground. I looked around to see if there was a baby around here and soon enough there was. The baby was in a box and it was sleeping and it started to wake up. I picked up the baby and looked for a baby carrier and baby food. I went down each isle and found everything that I needed for the baby. The monster stopped eating the person and walk towards us and I ran out of the store to find some where safe for me and the kid.



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