Ch 7 - Day One(Again)

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Here is the first legit chapter being back. Fans demand it and I give into it. I got a little more to go. Get'em.



Having coffee it was going to be interesting to see what Rias was going to give Raynare for a task knowing that she isn't going to school. How was she going to be monitored? You were heading to class like a normal student should. And then your girlfriend not only couldn't be fully trusted, but needed supervision. The guidance of the transition. 

"So what is it?" Asked Raynare.

"Meet your mentor." Said Rias.

"Greetings my lady." You saw this woman in a maid outfit walk in. Hair in two braids in a silver-gray color. Spoke softly yet firmly and looked much older than Rias. "Thank you for having me Rias. And hello to you sir. My name is Grayfia. I will be watching over your partner for the time being."

"To learn how to sew?" Asked Raynare. Giving the maid attire that was in question. What would a regular maid do to teach a Devil? She can't just be a regular maid.

"My name is Grayfia Gremory and I am the Queen of Sirzechs Lucifer Gremory." Boomed Grayfia.

"Oh shit..." Ding. Light blub. In the peerage of the Devil King.

"Impressive. I'm honored." You smiled. "Thank you."

"No sir, the pleasure is mine. It's my job to help the Gremory family." As you go to classes I will be watching over our lady as she goes through training and more work."

"Do I have to put on the dress?" She asked.

"No. Long as your comfortable it will make due. I'm head maid for the Gremory manor so it's different for me."

Raynare looked over towards you. "So Doll, have a good day and I'll be here with Grayfia. Don't get into trouble, do your pacts and homework, and give me a kiss." She hugged you and stole your lips. "Miss you."

"I'll miss you too. Please take care of yourself."

"Don't worry about me Doll. I'll manage."


It was hitting you from when you walked out of the house all the way to your desk. The mindset of Raynare being converted over. Your girlfriend who was really a Fallen Angel and converted over. Now a Devil and still your girlfriend. But more to it than just that.

So I'm dating an older woman. Which I just did not think would happen. Older, younger, I just didn't see it happening. Though many older women wouldn't date a younger guy. She didn't have to go through with it. She's sexy and deserves another chance. Though I still can't figure out why it was with me. Not doubting or knocking on myself here. I just don't get it. Like, really.


"Yes sir."

"What's the capital of the United States of America?"

"Washington District of Columbia."

"Yes. Okay. Higs." He called on another student.

Phew. Thanks for the easy question Teach. I have many questions of my own as is. Time to write them down and put it to rest for later. This is too much man.

Meanwhile Raynare is starting to get familiar with the maid in the house. It wouldn't be right to have a newbie potentially terrorize the place. Grayfia wanted to teach her the ways.

"So Raynare, what's going through your mind?" Asked Grayfia seeing she was preoccupied.

"I didn't see how far this would go. You can just say I'm lucky to be alive. I thought someone would be killed and then this relationship I had was temporary." Didn't know what to think of it. Everything was scrambled around.

"Do you feel like you and him are arranged?"

"In a sense I do."

"Well which persona do you like better? Yuna or Raynare?"

"I like being myself but I feel like the other one is better. If Yuna was on these dates and everything else I think it would be better for everyone. But I'm not. And I'm struggling with this. I'm sleeping next to a guy who's younger, loves me, and deserves much better."

"My husband is the Devil King. My teenaged years I started out helping clean floors and doing dishes. Then went to bedrooms and serving and tried to become head maid. Before I was giving the role Lucifer had an attachment to me. Sirzechs could have any woman he wanted. Multiple if he chose so. But he didn't. I try not to bring it up because I'm a professional. However my lady, he is a good man to me. I do not know about to new piece is to you or to Rias, but I will give him a fair chance. We are not here to dress you up and clean. I came here to talk to you. Now I may come off as someone he may not understand, but it will all come around soon enough."

Raynare was very surprised about the words Grayfia chose. Maids usually don't say much. But with Grayfia learning so much and being regularly quiet she must know her fair share of information. Otherwise why would she waste her time? Just simply because Rias said so or called in a favor?

"So he likes me for me and Rias just wants to double check because it's on her head?"

"Yes. There are many heads in the structure. The King. The Arch Duke. It's a board nonetheless, but not a wide set of owners. Instead of dozens it's only a handful."

"So Rias and Doll want me around but they aren't the only ones to go through. Meanwhile I can live my life without just wanting power for other gains. But what about Azazel and Manakel?"

"Different matter then what we have going now. Remember, Azazel is a unique case. He's peacefully part of this world and he has a boss too."

"Yeah... So Grayfia, what's first?"

"A trip. If you are ready we shall take off."

"Okay. Can't wait I guess."


Grayfia doesn't express much emotion. What's this trip about?


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