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"What the actual 'eff happened?" 

The newly formed Phantom Thieves sat in a circle on the floor of Akira's bedroom, gobsmacked at the series of events that went down less than half an hour before. The wait to hold this discussion was a brutal one, with Ann bribing Mona to check on "Chie" until she left Le Blanc periodically and the boys pacing frantically around the room like expecting fathers.

The relief that washed over the hodge-podged group of teens when "Chie" left was similar to the feeling of when one confidently finishes an important exam. Instantly, the three(four, counting Morgana) of them crowded around and began to converse with hurried whispers. 

Ann's heart felt like it was beating out of her chest. "I don't know. Do you think she heard us?"

"Do I look like I'd know? No! Of course not! Shit, this is bad!" Ryuji ran his fingers through his hair."Dammit, what if she's here to investigate us?!"

Morgana licked his paw, just as a cat would do it. Ann was sure that he was a cat, just a very weird one. "I mean, Ryuji's not the most subtle of people. He probably led her to us."

He was right, regrettably. Ann was willing to defend Ryuji to an extent against Morgana's scathing comments, but this one he had to fight against himself. "Chie" seemed nice enough at first, but something about her was so deeply, inherently,


"It's alright, we're done! As far as we know, no one even knows what happened to Kamoshida. There's no proof." Ann tried to believe the words coming out of her mouth, but everything fell flat internally. Every syllable felt like it was laden with the weight of a lie. 

The three of them all looked at Akira, who was sitting with his eyes closed, silent at a mirage. When he did speak, his speech was even, precise, and delicate. He didn't feel like a teenager to Ann. He felt more like a leader. 

"We won't do anything suspicious for the next week, or however long it takes. Just act normally. If "Chie" stops by again, I'll try to get any information out of her that I can. Until we're sure of her motive, we will not be meeting here." 

"Then where will we meet?" Ryuji beat her to the question. "We can't go to my place, my ma would tell everyone in Tokyo about you two." 

Akira once again became silent. Ann wracked her brain for a place that would be open late where they could hang out, because the school roof was just not as secure or reasonable as initially thought. Nothing came to mind. 

"...How about that one teahouse on the way to school? Ueshima Coffee Yongenjaya? We could meet there daily, buy a drink or two, and chat in privacy." 

Morgana purred. "As long as I'm fed, I'm happy."

"We know that, ya stupid cat." Ryuji swatted him away with his hand. "I don't know if we can meet every day, but once or twice a week sounds good to me. Change it up a lil'."

She wasn't quite sure of what to say. On the surface, it sounded like a good idea, but what if "Chie" still managed to find them? They'd look even more suspicious. And Shiho...

Ann wasn't even sure if her friend was alive. No one from the hospital was telling her anything. 

"It's kinda late. My caretakers are probably wondering where I am." Ann stood up with a grimace. Her legs were still sore from the fight a few days ago, and felt like jelly after sitting for so long. "How about I sleep on it tonight about get back to you guys in the morning. Deal?"

"Deal. Don't do anything stupid on your way home." Ryuji shot her a grin. 

"Sounds good. I won't be mad with whatever decision you make." Akira assured. His energy was completely different from Ryuji's, but for whatever reason, Ann couldn't see them as anything but close friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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