I don't want too see you

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Around 4 am you heard someone throwing rocks at your window and it woke you and Kio up

Y-I'll go see what that is

K-no I will it could be the boys

Y-we know it's the boys


Kio walked to the window and saw the boys


P-where is she?

K-not here

A-prove it

K-okay come on up

He turned around

K-hide in your walk-in closet in that little attic thing that you have


You hid where Kio told you to hide and all the boys climbed up in your room and started to look for you

Jh-I'm not going to ask again

K-she isnt here

P-so why are you in her room

K-ive been waiting for her but she hasn't arrived

Jr-boys keep looking

The boys kept looking for another 40 minutes and still didn't find you

A-ight boys she isnt here

Your phone buzzed and All the boys looked straight at the closet

Jf-you sure Ant

Josh walked in the closet and pointed at the small crawl space

Jr-Kio whats this

K-not sure she probably has some personal things in there

A-check it


Josh opened the crawl space door and he saw you

Jh-oh y/n what a surprise

He climbed up and grabbed you


He picked you up and carried you to the boys

A-aww how cute of you, thinking you could leave, and we wouldn't find you


A-haha you're a bitch

K-she is not a BITCH

Josh punched Kio


A-each time you say something rude your little friend gets punched

J-you going to say anything


A-that's what I thought

J-Payton get her phone and Airpods we have to go

K-don't touch her PLEASE

Josh punched him again

Y-please STOP IT

You couldn't stop crying

A-Shh you ungrateful bitch

K-if you don't let her go, I'm calling the cops

A-then she dies

Y-I'm never having sex with you guys

P-do you get a choice?

Y-that's rape and when I get out, I'm framing you for rape and kidnapping

Jf-you're not getting out

Anthony started to tie zip ties to your wrist

Jh-say your goodbyes because you and Kio won't be speaking for a long time

Kio struggled to walk over to you and he eventually got to you

K-I'm so sorry that I failed to protect you

Y-don't beat yourself up over it you tried your hardest, but you couldn't win

K-no because now your leaving for the third time ad I can't seem to hold on

A-times up

Y-I love you Kio

K-I love you too y/n

You, Anthony and Payton climbed out of the window and started walking to the car

Y-about Josh and Jaden

A-wanna watch

They started to beat up Kio



After 4 minutes of beating up Kio they boys eventually got in the car, Jaden sat next to you and Josh sat next to Jaden and you noticed that Jaden had blood on his hand, and you grabbed it

Jh-Y/n it's not----

Y-is this  Kio's blood

Jh-I'm so sorry is there anything I can do

Y-you've done enough

You turned away from him and had tears rolling down your check

Jr-it's not our fault you didn't listen

You couldn't hang on to your sadness anymore

Y-your right it's my fault that I didn't want to be kidnapped, it's my fault that you've possibly killed my one and only best friend, it's my fault that you keep taking me away from my family , it's my fault that I don't want to have sex with my kidnappers, it's my fault that my little brother is missing me more than the world right now ,it's my fault I don't want to choose who I ant to lose my virginity too because for the past 2 days that one question has been pressured on to me and it's my fault that I hate EVRYONE IN THIS DAMN CAR!

P-how long have you been bottling up those feelings

Y-the minute Josh pushed me into this car


Y- I swear if Kio is dead, I'm killing myself and you wanna call my bluff, go kill him because I will force each and everyone one of you to watch me put a bullet through my head

Jr-bit extreme much


Jh-yeah y/n just calm you being a bit-----

Y-do not finish that sentence because I will end your life right this second 

Kidnapped By the TikTok boysWhere stories live. Discover now