Graduation Band - Rehearsals

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  a note before i start: PLEASE tell me if there are any errors in grammar or spelling. (i have dyslexia so it's very possible)

also a lot of this is based on the band experience that I had personally, so y'know take that as you will. I'm gonna try not to add 'authors notes' or w/e these are called because I find them annoying, but I will if I need to.

also i think i said this in the description, but SPOILERS BOYS probably at least. I'm adding new characters that have been announced in literally the latest episode and i don't plan to stop doing that so oof. I think this is going to be a coherent story with mayhaps some random one off type chapters? but thats how it be.

another thing: i went to a random name generator website for any characters that aren't in the podcast. If new characters are introduced in the show, then i might come back to these earlier chapters and change them from the randomly generated names that I have to the characters in the show.

Also this is the link the the marching music that I'll be basing this off of because y'know, I had to do it also, sidenote, movement 2 gave me LITERAL chills. i cant descibe how good that shit was:  (its also at the top)

If i'm really struggling describing something, then I might add a picture of the uniforms or outfits i guess??? but that's about it gamers. enjoy!!!!

A bus full of students rides along a narrow road. The driver tries to tune the students out as a human man stands from the front seat to tell everyone to quiet down. A loud "Okay, BOOMER" followed by the laughing of many band students is heard through the bus, just before they, in fact, do get quieter by their band director, Ander's, request.

"Hey," a soft female voice says sternly, "Don't be so rude, Mountain." A tiefling girl says from a row in front of the dwarf.

"C'mon Vel, don't be so uptight all the time. First band trip since fall, can't I make a few jokes?" Mountain says, turning around in his seat. Velrisa sighs and goes back to reading the book she brought with her.

A few rows back, in the back seats of the bus sits the half elf Vengolor brothers. In the one-seater across from them sits their goblin companion, Hilltree. Using Sylnan's baritone case as a table in the aisle, the three play a card game that could only be played at the back of the bus, away from Ander's eyes.

"Fuck," Hilltree says as his cards come up short.

"That's 3 silver coins that you owe me," Br'aad says with a chuckle. The goblin huffs and crosses his arms, looking for ways that he could have been cheated.

"You could hide cards up your sleeves." Hilltree points out. Br'aad has on a color guard jacket with long sleeves, while the rest of the band, Hilltree and Sylnan included, just have their 'Pride of Viecta High: Mastiff Marching Band' t-shirts and black pants on. "I call cheats!" He exclaims.

"I'm offended that you would even think of such a thing! I would never." Br'aad says, crossing his arms.

"Well if you're sure you're not cheating, then just roll them up." Sylnan says, reaching to Br'aads arms, grabbing one and pushing the sleeves up. An Ace falls out of Br'aads jacket as he does.

As the back seats are full of yelling and defensive protests, there is someone near the front of the bus, having a bad time. Taking in deep breaths and trying his best to calm his nerves, a tabaxi sits, shaking, with his case in his lap. He's sitting in a seat alone, because he is in the seat dedicated to holding a mount of instrument cases He's (simp)ly the one who's there to make sure that the stack doesn't fall into the isle.

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