six. (part two)

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It’s already been days since that phone call and although Ohm tried his best to reach for Fluke for the past few days, it’s all in vain. He even tried to go through his manager but P’Note can’t do anything but just smile apologetically to the man saying Fluke made him promise to let him rest and just face everything on the Joox event they’ll have on the following week.

It was an excruciating week for Ohm, having to stay still and do nothing but wait. But he couldn’t help but worry even more for Fluke because of what could be running inside his head…

‘I hope he didn’t cry too much..’

Finally, the day of the event already came. Ohm woke up extra early, wanting to be on the place earlier than Fluke. On the way to the event place, he made sure to pass through and buy Fluke’s favorite drink. He arrived at the place, his manager even cranky because as he quote; “You’re unnecessarily early, the people in charge for your hair and make isn’t even here yet!”. He could just smile sheepishly and scratch the back of his head.

There’s only an hour left before their schedule starts but Fluke is still nowhere on sight. Which is unusual cause he hates being late.. He tried to ring his phone, but as expected it just keeps on ringing and ringing. Just as he’s about to keep his phone in his pocket, he saw Fluke finally treading into the room with P’Note beside him.
Ohm’s hand raises up to call him over: “Noo-!” but he was pulled on the arm by the make up artist for he needs to get his make up and hair retouched. Fluke glanced his way and gave him a small smile, which helped to ease his pounding heart, then went to the other side of the room to get his make up and hair done.

Ten minutes before the show, everyone was finally ready. Ohm was quick to his feet and followed Fluke when he went outside, grabbing on his arm carefully just to get his attention.

“Noo let’s talk-“

“Let’s just forget what happened, P’. I promise I’m not holding a grudge or anything!”

The other interrupted him, again, and turned to look at him with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. This doesn’t went unnoticed by Ohm

”No. You don’t understand-“

“It’s not your responsibility to like me back, I get that. So don’t push yourself to say something you don’t mean.”

“But I do. I like you and I mean it.”

“Then why—”

“Ohm! Fluke! It’s time for the interview!”

Earth interrupted their talk, which frustrated the both of them, especially the taller. Fluke is just confused and a painful hope growing inside his heart. Ohm took Fluke’s hand inside his and gave it a squeeze, gazing on to his eyes with a sharp look that says “We’ll talk more about this later.”
They sat beside each other, close, and with a space so small between them that not even air could pass through. The other casts were delightful to answer most questions by the interviewer while the two boys in the center were lost in their own thoughts.

The smaller just looking down on his lap, still thinking about the short and interrupted talk he had with the man beside him which was busy staring at him and his hands hovering over his knees. At one point of the interview, Fluke saw Ohm’s hand signal him to sit closer to which he ignored and just quickly give him a small smile. But Ohm leaned close to his ear and whispered: “Please?”. To which he adhered to and moved closer, feeling the ghost of Ohm’s hand around his waist, hidden away from the camera.

 To which he adhered to and moved closer, feeling the ghost of Ohm’s hand around his waist, hidden away from the camera

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