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Lucy POV:

It's been 10 years since the war with Acnologia. All of my generation have found love and they all have families. All except me, Lucy 'Unlucky' Heartfilia. I have been cursed with immortality ever since I was born, my immortality is where when I turn 20 my aging stops, I am unable to be killed after that happens unless my soulmate loses their immortality.

Before us Heartfilia's moved to Fiore, we lived in a kingdom. We were very close friends with the Emperor and Empress's family there. I met my soulmate there, then we had to move because of assassination threats and attempted murders on me, but my mother died because of a dark mage. That same dark mage replaced me and my fathers memories of things, changing my age and my fathers age as well.

You must be wondering how I remember all of this then. After Natsu proposed to Lisanna and got married to her, something in my mind snapped releasing all my dark emotions that I was holding back. It also seemed to release my memories as well. They were released slowly though, every time I saw a friend getting married and making a family, me being the only one not finding that happiness and peace after all the things. Me being the person stuck in the past. Me being the person sacrificing their future for everyone else. Me being the person taking on all the guilds dark emotions. Me being the person taking on everyone's sadness.

People have slowly forgotten about me now only Master Makarov, Yukino-chan, but they're dead now and First Master Mavis or should I say Onee-chan didn't forget about me. She moved to Fiore before the assassination attempts started, but she also died. She is now the spirit of FairyTail though. She's the only one that ever talks to me. If my family's dead and no one else remembers me, what's the point in living? I can't die though, unless my soulmate loses their immortality than I can't die. I won't even bother coming out of my apartment anymore, I've learnt every magic, known, unknown or lost. I've learnt all of them. I can just summon jewel for every month's rent pay.

{ 1 month later }

3rd POV:

"Has anyone seen Lucy?" said a short blonde girl as her blonde hair flowed behind her as she floated around looking for her blonde celestial mage sister.

"Who's that First Master Mavis? Is she a new member?" A certain salmon haired dragon slayer said as he stopped chasing his two 4 year old children.

"New member?! How can you say that?! She has been here ever since you made Team Natsu! Gods, she's the one who suggested you to make Team Natsu!" Mavis shouted gaining everyone's attention.

"Huh? I've never heard of a Lucy before," was all Natsu said.

"You know Lucy Heartfilia! The strongest Celestial mage, holder of all 12 Celestial Zodiac Keys! The fourth original member of Team Natsu!" Mavis shouted angrily, upset that everyone forgot about their- no... her beloved sister.

"Wait... Luce. Shoot! How could we forget! Have you checked her apartment?!" Gray shouted anxiously. Mavis shook her head, as soon as she did Gray started running with her trailing behind.

{ At her apartment }

"Lucy! Lucy! Open Up it's me Gray!" He shouted as he banged on the door, yet no one answered. The rest of the guild came as they watched Gray and Mavis trying to get her to open up. Then suddenly to the shock of the whole guild the door opened and Lucy got hit on the forehead by Gray's hand.

"Uggghhh. Gods your hand is hard, whatcha doing her Mavis-n-" Lucy stopped as Mavis slapped her hand on Lucy mouth before she could continue. Lucy glared at her, but all Mavis did was motion her head towards... the whole guild?

"Why did you cut her off Mavis-san?" The blue haired dragon slayer said as she held her 4 month old baby, her husband Romeo nodding his head wondering the same thing.

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