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Sanshiber make a new grouphat name "secret admire"

Sanshiber added tallyunho

Sanshiber added sexywoo

Sanshiber:well hello abg abg hnsem !!

Sexywoo:oiiiii san.. pehal nama secret admire ?!!

Tallyunho:wowahh.. ni mesti plan yg wooyoung ckp aritu ti eh ?

Sexywoo:oh aah laaa.. hehek sorry san😅😅😅😅


Tallyunho: dh bole kot smbong plan

Sexywoo:sabar la deyhhh.. aku pang kang heih.. ok.. so, san ambik port ngn Ryujin kat balkoni atas, Yunho ambik port ngn y/n kat depan pool, aku ambik port ngn Jeongyeon kat living room atas.. Cun ak port aku pilih ?😏😏

Tallyunho: boekk.. tapi nk bawak ape je?

Sexywoo: ok.. San bole bwk bunga atau telescope utk tgk bintang ngn Ryujin, Yunho bole bawakan air Sky Juice utk y/n, Aku bwk sekotak coklat utk Jeongyeon.. hehe🤗🤗😏

Sanshiber:romantis  betul ye taktik kau !!

Tallyunho:tu ah tu.thanks woo... acane nk confess ?

Sexywoo:jgn noob sgt bole ak bab bab pompuan ni?😒😒😒😒 kau luahkan perasaan kau dgn jujur..so she will understand you wholehearted..

Sanshiber:pandai member aku sorg ni😏😏😏🙄🙄.. aku udah paham deh..

Tallyunho:hmm okay.. aku try.. start kol brape wooyoung ?

Sexywoo:kte start confess at the stroke of 9 oclock.. malam eh ? Bukan esok eh ?? Korg nk dpt kn hati crush kau ak ?

Sanshiber:eii mestila nak...

Tallyunho:mesti laaa.. weyhh.. y/n is so precious for me thoughhh~~~😊😊😯😯😯

Sexywoo:mangat betul!! Malam ni.okey ?? Fighting to 99 liner !!

Sanshiber:tak cukup orang kalau kau kata 99 liner sbb ktekan lima org.. yg ade kat sini 3 org.. so YUNWOOSAN laa.. haha amacam ??🙄🙄

Sexywoo:its up to you~ eh eh?? Ttbe nyanyi lagu Yes or Yes by Twice part Tzuyu.. eh halah..

Tallyunho:kau dh knape??😒😒

Sexywoo:sorry ah aku mental jap

Sanshiber:sokay sokayy.. HWAITING MALAM NI !!nnt sape yg dpt menangkan hati diorg, chat kat sini..pastikan member lain tk perasan, okeh ?👌👌



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