I knew I was right

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I knew I was right.

I didn’t have to give you my heart for you to hurt me.

Just remember next time you want to send another girl mix signals, that it really does hurt.

I don’t mind if you didn’t like me, that you liked her instead.

But for everyone to send me mix signals,

To get my hopes up!

I thought maybe for once, someone would like me back.

I thought for once!

Just once!

That maybe I was pretty enough,

Or smart enough

Or just good enough.

Then to have it crash down?

To feel the way I felt back then…

I scared myself.

I never thought I would feel that again.



Barely anything.

I laugh at myself too many times.

“When will you learn, Jayde?”

The voices slowly whisper.

“I thought I made it clear to you!”

The voices get louder.

“I’m back and this time. You are never getting rid of me.”

The voices laugh and yell over each other.

I can hear his voice again.

After almost two years!

Look what you had done!

You broke the walls

You let him out

You let them all out.

My trust

My hope

My faith.

Slowly flickering,


I know it

Soon they will be no longer.






-Jayde <3 

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