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It's been 6 months. We decided to make the gender a surprise. Well, Trever keeps trying to change my mind cause it's driving him insane.

Trever and I got an apartment together. He got a job in construction. He won't let me get a job because he still feels like this is all his fault. As much as I tell him different, he won't stop believing that it's his fault.

I was standing in our room folding clothes and putting them away. Music was playing, like always. I was only wearing one of his hoodies and panties. Just something comfortable, I'm not going anywhere.

Arms then wrapped around me from behind me all of a sudden. Out of reflex I quickly turned around and punched whoever was there. Making Trever in severe pain.

"Holy shit. I was just trying to give you a hug." He groaned.

"Don't sneak up behind me like that." I responded. He then started kissing me.

"I have a surprise for you. It's in the living room." He whispered. "Stay here and cover your eyes. Open them when I say."

He covered my eyes with my hands and walked out. I heard him walk in then felt a tongue licking my cheek.

"Trever, stop licking me." I said.

I removed my hands and saw Trever holding a puppy and it licking my face. It was a pomeranian.

"Surprise! What do you want to name him?!"

I looked at Trever and crossed my arms. His smiled slowly faded away. He moved the dog away from my face.

"Don't you believe having a dog is something we should both agree on?" I sighed.

"I just thought you needed someone to keep you company while I'm at work. And look how adorable he is." He explained.

"Money's already tight for us. What makes you think we can afford a dog. And in a few months a child?" I pointed out. "We would be making more if you'd just let me get a job."

"How many times do I have to say it. You know I don't want you to work. The stress is horrible. And I should be the one who has a job. I'm the reason we're in this situation in the longshot. So stop pestering me about it." He explained, once again. I then held the dog.

"Well he is pretty cute." I said. "I think we should name him Lars." I insisted.

"As in Lars Ulrich? Why?" He chuckled.

"Because he's really short, has brown hair, and all small dogs thing that they are so much bigger than dogs bigger than them." I elaborated.

It just made him laugh. I set Lars down and he went to explore the apartment.

"Are you wearing any panties?" He asked with a grin.

His shirt goes down below my butt making them unseen. I nodded my head yes.

"How about we change that?" He implied.

"How about you go take a shower first?" I insisted.

"Damn, you're mean today." He chuckled.

"You know I refuse to have sex with you right after you get home. So why do you try every day?" I sighed.

He then went into the bathroom to take a shower. I sat on the couch. Lars ran up to me and jumped onto my lap. I scratched his head and stomach as I watched TV.

I looked over at the table and saw a bag. I got up and looked through it. It was dog bowls, dog food, a leash and dog toys. I set the dog bowls down on the floor in the kitchen. I filled one up with water and the other with food.

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