Chapter 1

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"Hey guys! Today wasn't a very good day" I took a deep breath ashamed with myself " Okie dokie first of all I flunked my science test got an F. I'm sure my mum won't let me hear the end of that one. Then I lost my sandwhich. I had to eat my friends cookie. But enough about my day message me about yours and it might be featured here on Radio hardcore" I waited for the messages to start rolling in. "Oh dear Jerry Hoggingson got dumped at lunch. Don't worry Jerry there's plenty more fish in the see. Congrats kasey for being president of Maths club. Suddenly my alarm went of telling me I got to end the show. "Unfortunately I've got to end the show now guys. Here's a task for ya! Try and do something good tomorrow make some one happy and tell me about it the winner gets a Radio Hardcore t-shirt of your choice. Peace!"

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