Whispering Past: 1

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Izzy was taking a walk when she started to her familiar voices even though she's never heard them before "You know nobody likes you tomorrow is Monday why don't we show them ALL what there messing with?" A sly female voice said convincingly "ya! Let's show them all!" A kiddish (yet at the same time not) male voice cheered excitedly she obviously confused decided it was just some school bullies that followed her making fun of her and her sanity she was slowly believing them but...she's never fought before let alone seen anyone fight except for when they meet sonic...
*Flash Back*
She and Fiona were running from a huge robot when she tripped on a crack and hit her head on the the concrete making her bleed on her knees, arms, head making her fall unconscious. Her sister stupidly stepped in front of her, Guarding her with her life. When the robot was about to hit Fiona someone stopped it a blue blur attacked it easily destroying it "are you ok?" The hedgehog said stepping towards them "d-don't come any further!" Fiona said walking backwards until she almost stepped on my unconscious body "it's ok I'm not gonna hurt you" sonic said slowly walking towards her "what's your name?" Fiona thought for a second "Light Fiona, but you can call me Fiona" she then looked at me "...and this is Dark Izzy, my little twin sister" she said her face and voice full of sadness "we kinda ran away from a orphanage..." She then knelt down checking my pulse "well you can stay with me!" Sonic suggested "really!?" My sister jumped up "ya, my friend tails can also treat you sister" a big grin appeared "so...your adopting us?" She smiled "ya I guess" sonic then picked me up "let's go!"
Izzy:sorry it's so short I'll try and make next one longer with a little surprise OH and Light Fiona is my friends O.C. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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