Chapter 9

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It's beenexactly one week since the last encounter Kyle had had with Mike Ross. Seven days since his latest failed attempt at getting HarveySpecter's eye. One-hundred and sixty-eight hours that Kyle has seen and Mike Ross around the firm but has not approached him because he had always beenwith Specter or Donna. He was man enough to admit that he was scared of both HarveySpecter and Donna. Donna more so than Specter because like Ross had said, she had a letter opener and she kept throwing himthese little looks, like i she knew /i that he wantedto try something. She probably did. That woman scares the ever living fuck out of him.

He'd been leeryand skittish ever since she had talked tohim, since Ross had helped himand if Kyle were being honest, and in the deep recesses of his mind he could be, he had no plan toget to Specter. All he had was a head full of thoughts that he couldn't make sense of just yet. So he came to work, did his job, went home at night, and repeated the process and prayed for a new plan that could be far away from Donna's watchful eye.

"Excuse me is this Harvey Specter's office?"

"It is, how can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Mike Ross, he told me to come to Mr. Specter's office and look for Donna?"

Kyle stopped on his way to get his third cup of coffee at the mention of Ross' name and turned his head. He was greeted with the sight of a very pretty, obviously pregnant blonde woman, pale skin, blue eyes, hair pulled up into a messy bun, clad in a green dress standing there.

"Oh you must be..." Donna paused to look down. "Susanna right?"

"Yes m'am," Susanna shifted from foot to foot nervously and Kyle sighed. Like it or not he had some sense of decency and decorum so he turned and walked towards the two to offer to get the young woman a chair. And quite possibly to get information because why in god's name was a pregnant woman looking for Mike Ross?


Kyle stopped moving towatch as the aforementioned associate flew out of Harvey's office and was embraced, actually freaking embraced by the woman before them. Honestly what was it with Ross that got all of these women to fawn over him?

"You made it!"

"Of course I made it," Susanna laughed as she kissed his cheek. "Though I gotta need to work on your direction giving skills. I almost got lost on the drive over here."

"He's still learning," Donna told her. "He got me lost on the way tovisit his grandmother."

"No....really? To your grandmother's?"

"I know how to get to her care facility!" Mike Ross chose toshut up at the look Donna levelled at him. Kyle thought that Mike Ross made a very smart move in doing so.

"So you gave me the wrong directions?" she asked as one eyebrow rose.

"I....was concerned for the safety of the world at large," Mike answered carefully. "You and my grandmother together is a scary prospect."

Kyle would agree with that. He had never met Ross'grandmother, nor did he want to for that matter, but if that conversationhe had overheard days agowas any indication of the two, he shuddered. The world would never survive.

"Uh huh," Donna eyed him. "Don't think I won't remember this puppy."

"Anyway," Mike said loudly before he turned his attentions back to the young woman before him."Myboss is still stuck in his other client meeting; he'll be back ina little bit so we can go over everything for your case. In the meantime, I convincedhim to let us use his office until he returns. I thought you'd be more comfortable in there than at my verytiny cubicle."

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