^^ kou x reader ^^

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A/N - requested by;; meloyinnne/bri  ( I couldn't tag ur user bby sorry :< )

hi hi hi also this is VERY rushed so like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh expect it to be trash so um um um yes i swear ill do my best on the next oneshots teehee


" Alright, form a group of three for the presentation. I expect all of you to finish by Friday. This is an easy task so I HOPE you all cooperate as a team and not treat it like a hard one. Tsk." The teacher commands the whole class as he walks out of the room.

" Oi, Y/N! " A familiar male voice shouted across the room; though it was immediately covered by the muttering of the students who were recruiting people as well. I turned to see the orange-haired boy, ah there he is.

"Hey, Kou." I greeted him with a smile, ear to ear. My pulse began to beat fast, I found myself in a blushing mess. I found it strange as to why my heart would often pound fast. Butterflies began to fly around my stomach, hoping all these 'things' would stop. ' I think I'm dying HOLY SHI- DO I HAVE A DISEASE!? ' I thought to myself in worry as my palms began to sweat.

"Wanna be apart of the group?" He asks, pointing at the back using his thumb, with a recruit;; Satou. 'Wait, but I don't even see Yokoo there? Why me?? What??? Is this a dream what the hell???' These thoughts continue to cloud my mind as I sweat.

"Y/N?" A voice called me. I snapped and pushed the thoughts aside for now. Kou was in front of me, waving his hand side to side; waiting for my reply. "Fuck. Um, yeah yeah sure haha.." I answered his offer, looking around for Yokoo as I still wondered why Kou chose me than Yokoo.

" KOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU! " And there goes Yokoo. ' This clown couldn't be anymore louder. '
I thought as I stared at the blonde-haired boy at annoyance. "Why Y/N! I also helped you court Yashiro though!!" He screams in agony as if he lost someone he loved dearly.

'Right.' It hit me. 'Why does it hurt..? Do I... really like Kou? No, no, no... He likes Yashiro, Y/N. You can't like him, no. Just-- no.' I bit my lip to prevent tears from falling out, terrified of the thought others might think I'm on my period that's why I'm an emotional-ass woman.

"Th-That was the damn past, Yokoo!" He roared at the boy, seemingly sweating for some reason. "But I still helped y-"

"I'll just go look for other groups, mustard-boy can join your group, Kou," I muttered as I cut off Yokoo, picking up my school bag from the table, finally walking away to find a new group.

" Y/N Wai-"


"Y/NNNNNN!" A high-pitched voice echoed through the hallways. "Y-Yashiro??" I turn around to see the... Daikon. " Hi Y/N! " She greeted me as the girl runs toward my direction, wearing that same, beaming smile as she always had--which I found creepy.  For some reason.

" Do you wanna walk home together? " She asks me, obviously hoping that I'd agree.

"Uh, I'm sorry Yashiro." I apologized to my upperclassman "But I've got some work to do.  You see, um... I've got to meet up with Kou." Lies. All lies. 'Why? Why am I lying to her? She didn't even do anything. Why am I this mean?'  Thoughts began to cloud my mind again. I bit my lip as my breathing ragged, grasping tight to my skirt.

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