Present (kenya)

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     'So Ansi, That was when I figured your mother was the most beautiful lady ever' I told my son.
     'So wait daddy, it took you 30months to figure that out. Wow you were blind' he said shaking his head.
     'Hey, just because I joke around with you doesn't mean you can talk like that. And C'mon, I gave up on marriage before that, so don't blame me' I told him.
     'Okay, so what happened next?' He asked.
'But first wait let me get some cookies, I'll be back in a minute' he said about to go down before I stopped him.
     'Ansari, wait there cookies and milk here too, it's in that cupboard' I told him pointing at the cupboard.
     'Okay, so continue, I'm listening,' he said getting the jar of cookies.
     'So you know I was thinking about' my phone started ringing.
       'Oh C'mon, who's calling you?' Ansari asked, with pissed off, spelt on his face.
     'It's your sister, just wait. Oh, Hello..... ya am fine......hope she isn't causing trouble.......thanks Yasmin's mom....Okay.
Hey darling......yeah I'm fine......are you on your way back home or I should send the driver? sorry you can't sleep.........even if you weren't prepared and besides.........Nope I'm not falling for that........just come back home.......when you arrive.......let me finish.......Uh huh, Mai sunan kakan ta........yarinyan maman ta.....just listen come back home and we will have a very nice with giving him the story of your mom and me............yes I'm serious.......Okay I'll send Atiku to come and carry you and Marwan..........Nope no one will sit in front and if I hear you guys fought........yes you know what will happen to you...... bye darling.......when you arrivemilk  here call me with Dije's phone, but if she's but there call me with the landline........and no you'll not get a phone now.........don't worry you'll get a phone when the time comes bye' I looked at my son whose face was squeezed up, and his left hand on his cheek.
     'Are you done yet?' He asked, taking a cookies.
     'Nope, unless you want to call Atiku, tell him that he should go and pick your siblings. And buy more cookies and some cornflakes?' I asked him.
      'And add condensed milk and chocolate fudge and pineapple juice, and no just talk to him' he said.
     'See your mouth, Err maman Shi' I said shaking my head calling the driver.
     After calling the driver and all the sort I turned back to Ansari who was wide awake.
     'So should I continue or should we wait for your siblings?, if we wait for them you'll still hear but if we continue they might just get to when I figured out your mom also liked me, so?' I asked, also crouching a cookie.
     'Just continue, they might not want to hear this part, they will hear the juicy part, so go on' he said.
'Okay then, so where was I?'
'You where thinking and thinking and thinking about mom'
'Okay Thanks'


I woke up that day still thinking about Kiana, I knew the girl is beautiful and all but yesterday was different, was it because she was a bit frustrated, but still looked cute?
     Man I need to get this girl of my head, just think of something else, anything else. Ugh!!!
Who's trying to disturb my thoughts now?
Who's calling me?, and so I checked my phone and Ameen was the one who was calling.
      'Assalam my bro' he said when I picked up the phone call.
      'Wa Alaykum musSalam, Ameen. What's up? How's tema and Aunty?' I said
     'Their cool, their cool. Well I just wanted to tell you I got from Kiana'
     'Mtcheww, of all times now?' I said remembering her.
     'Do you want me to call later?, cause I can'
'Nope, just talk, I was talking to someone' I paused 'so what did you get?'
'Okay well, other than that information you gave then. I figured that they were fr-fr-friends' he said, his voice sounding funny.
'Ameen are you hiding something from me? Cause you voice is saying that?'
'Nope' popping the p. Well now I know he is lying.
'Are you sure, or you didn't talk to her, are you sure your not lying? Oh C'mon. You know you can trust me'
'Uh huh, i can't trust you, tell me one secret I told you and you didn't spill?'
'Err, what about that one you told me back when we were young'
'Back when we were young there were a lot of things, now go on'
'I didn't tell tema you liked her best friend'
'Then how did her best friend know?'
'Hey, don't judge me. You told me not to tell tema. So I didn't' I said trying to to sound innocent.
'Uh huh? So you're acting smart aren't ya?'
'What about that?'
'Nothing. This just proves to me that you can't keep major secrets,'
'But at least give me a hint of how she knows all this'
'Sorry but I can't, it's too risky. And besides she has her trust in me. I can't let her down by letting her biggest secret, to you, of all people'
'Oh C'mon. That's harsh'
'I'm not being harsh but I'm telling you the truth. I don't jeopardise her hard work in building what she has. And I don't think she's ready to face that part. When she is ready she will tell you herself. I don't think she will like it if someone lets out her secret. All I know is that how she knows all that and even more is because of a reason that's very far from what, Munir told you. Just don't bug her on that. Do you get me. Just don't bug her. Bye my moms calling me. Talk later, peace' then he hanged up.
'Yeah, later' I whispered.
     All I need now is a quick morning jog, drink some orange juice and go to work, if that's possible.
     So, without further or due I jumped out of bed and changed into a grey tank top and black shorts, and wore my favourite pair of green ankle socks and my trainers.
     I jogged around my part of the estate, and started walking off. I wondered round the other part where I seriously don't like going to, but unfortunately I have a friend who lives opposite my nemesis.
     Just before I reached the black and white but mostly black gate, I stop in my tracks and recognised a certain caramel coloured skin and hazel eyes, in a blue body hugging dress. With a cream veil.
     I just couldn't believe who I'm seeing at the entrance of that maniacs gate. Oh Lord, what I'm I thinking, the girls also a maniac.
     I try retreating but fate had other plans for me that morning.
     'What a surprise, did you come looking for me?' She shook her head, and looked at me again before adding 'Oh no no no no no, Zain, you can't I'm long gone you know, or should I call you mummies-
     'Good morning to you to Fatima, I'm fine for asking me' I sarcastically say.
     'Uh huh, I see, so, what's up?, why are you standing near my future husbands house?' She asked putting one finger in her mouth.
     This is going to be a long day. Lord I need you by my side right now.
I thought.
     'Hey bae What's u doing by the gate. I told you that this area isn't- oh hey it's a Please to meet my game player in person. The names SG short for-
     'Sadeeq Goni. Yes I've heard of you. No need to be formal. And by the way congrats on your engagement. Happy pro-married life. And if you may excuse me. I have to go back to my morning jogs, Salam' I say and turn and continue jogging.
     'Okay then, do come next time. Don't forget the games on. This games going to be fun' I heard SG's voice say.
     Ugh. That's going to be not soon though. And what game is this man talking about? Whatever it is. If it's fun to him then it's going to be a roller coaster for me and whoever is "playing" this game.
      Just then I dare myself to run to my house, which I successfully did and hopped into the showers.

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