Chapter 21: A quiet evening out

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Shaans POV

I felt really bad how i treated Demi, so we had planned a nice evening out. Just dinner and a movie. It seems boring, but i was all we needed. We are having a great time, we had finished dinner and when i went to pay, a guy creeped up on her. I could hear him...

- Creepy guy: So tell me dolly, you have time for some dick sandwich tonight. Dump your fat girlfriend and ride me bareback?

- Demi: Dude, please go away. And stop calling my girlfriend fat. At least she doesn't have a dick. I doubt yours is gonna satisfy any woman.

- Creepy guy: What did you say to me bitch. Come here i will show you right now in the ally what my dick can do.

I didn't like where this was going. I quickly paid and followed them out. The guy was dragging Demi behind the dumpster. I quickly took a glass bottle and smashed it. He saw and tried to hit me. I could block his punch and punched him in the face and he went down. Demi was crying and shouting to stop it to the guy. As i was running to Demi to help her up, i felt a sharp sting in my lower back. Then everything went black...

Demi's POV

I was on the floor, trying to understand what had just happened when Shaan knocked that creep out. She came over to me, when he got up and just stabbed. When he saw, she fell down he ran away like a coward.

Se lied there, i couldn't get her to open her eyes. I called 911 and yelled at them to come quick. I was sitting there, with blood on me on the cold pavement and thinking please don't let her die.

- Babe come on, open your eyes please. Come on, i called 911, they are gonna be here soon. Please just open you eyes, i can't live without you.

All of a sudden she took a sharp breath and opened her eyes. I was so relieved.

Shaan: Baby, are you ok? 

- That's the first thing you ask, i am not bleeding out on the floor. Are you in pain? He stabbed you in the back.

She looked at me scared, and i didn't comprehend it right away. She tried to get up, i saw terror growing in her eyes.

Shaan: Baby, I - i ... Can't feel my legs! 

- It's gonna be ok, let's just see what the doctors say. Just rest now. 

It tried not showing it, but i was petrified. This was the second time se saved me and now this. µ

In the hospital

I sat there waiting for 3 hours already. No one knows what's going one. I had called Dallas and she is rushing over here. After what seemed eternity the docter finally came and talked to me.

- Doc: Hello, are you family to Shana De Cock?

- Yes, yes i'm her girlfriend. She lives with me.

- Doc: So, she is out of surgery. We looked at her back and did what we could. There is a lot of nerve damage. We can't guarantee she will ever walk again. She also has a broken wrist and tore a ligament in her knee. Problaly from falling down after the attack. Good news is she can't feel the pain in her knee. She is paralysed from the waist down.

- That's good news?! Listen here f*cker. I want to see her and never talk to me again. Hand over the case to another doctor. Cause what you just said is just hurtfull.

Just then, Dallas came running in and hugged me. For the first time this night, i allowed myself to cry.

Hospital room of Shaan

I finally saw her. She seemed so fragil now. How do i have to tell  her she might not walk again. Dallas came in after me and stood there. She looked at me and started talking.

- Dallas: Come on babysis, you know she's strong. She will get over this and i really believe she will walk again. She has saved you twice now. She really loves you. You 2 can do this together.

- I know sis. But i am so scared to tell her. She has been through so much. She is already sick and than this.

- Dallas: Wait a minute? Sick? What do you mean?

- She has a rare genetic and chronic illness. Her body is already to the limit each day. Hormones going crazy and having a bipolar side. The pain she has sometimes. I haven't seen her in her worst but i don't know where it will lead. And now she has to learn and walk again.

- Dallas: I didn't realize, why did you not say anything. We love her you know that. 

- Because it never came up. And she is always hiding the pain. She has so much will to live.

- Shaan: Yes i have and you know why? Because i have you.

- Oh my god, you're awake! Babe i missed you. Are you in pain anywhere?

- Shaan: My wrist hurts but i don't feel anything else. Including my legs

- Yeah, he stabbed you in the back and hit some nerves. I -i uhm, don't know how to tell you this. But it is possible that you might not walk again.

I saw her looking at me, she seemed so calm. I saw her eyes and for a minute i saw dispair but quickley it changed. She looked fierce and determined. Like nothing could change her.

- Shaan: Well, let's take that challenge. I will walk again. I promise. As long as you are beside me, i can conquer anything. Because you are the reason i wake up everyday and you make me take care of myself. You bring me so much strenght everyday. Baby i will do anything to walk to that isle with you. Let's fight this together.

Dallas started sobbing, i stood there balling my eyes out. I couldn't believe how much strength she showed. She wasn't giving up without a fight. And in a strange way it empowered me too. So, challenge accepted!

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