chapter 2

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My train pulled up at my station and I stood up. My legs had gone stiff I had been sitting for so long. I approached the door and as it opened the cold air slapped my cheeks. I stepped onto the platform and looked left and right. There she was. I dropped my bags on the platform I didn't even care about my stuff at this moment in time. I ran to her and she leaped into my arms. I had been waiting for this moment for so long. Tears streamed down both our cheeks. This was one of the happiest moments of my life... finally meeting my best friend.

After a short drive we were back at her house. We did not stop talking the whole way back and I still felt so excited and overwhelmed. I can't believe this has actually happened. A whole weekend with my best friend. After a few hours which felt like a few minutes just talking, we began to get ready for our night out.
"Do you mind if I get changed in here?" Jess asked.
"No of course not" I replied. She lifted off her t-shirt. She has an amazing figure. I saw out the corner of my eye her cute silly but lacey black bra.
"Cute bra" I said.
"Oh my god! Touch it. Its so soft!" she said and pulled my hand onto her whole boob.
"Very soft" I laughed. Once we were finally ready, and already slightly tipsy, it was time to leave.

7 hours and plenty of drinks later we were back at Jess'.
"let's order pizza!" she shouted excitedly.
"I don't think anywhere is going to be open at half 3 in the morning" I giggled. She sat down on the sofa and began to research nearby pizza shops. Even with her hair and make up all ruined from dancing, she looked gorgeous. I wish I could look like her. And her figure. Even though I'm now drunk I have not been able to stop thinking about earlier. Is that normal? Yeah I just think my best friend is pretty that's all.

Just try it  18+Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang