||The one and only chapter 1||

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"Oh my gosh, siriusly?"


"Please just go, take a ROOM! You can't just fuck everybody in this shared one, we others do still EXIST!"

"What? Everybody? You told me I am the FIRST!"

"Calm down, Charlotte. We will just go somewhere else."

"Pff I don't know how I honestly could believe this shit the whole time!"

The girl on Sirius' lap stands up and I hide my grin as he grinds his teeth grumpily.

The door slams close.

"Remus. Just. Leave."

He growls.

"Why would I. If you haven't noticed, it is MY room too! You can't just send me outside like one of your bitches!"

"Just because I have a better sex life than you doesn't mean that they're bitches or that I am a fuckboy. At least my sex live is as present as your virginity."

"Fuck you! I do have a sex life, I just don't show it off like you do!"
"Are you calling me a Fuckboy?"

"No, you did that yourself, I am just telling you how annoying it is to run into naked girls upon stepping into our room!"
"Well that is YOUR problem and why don't you just knock at the door, then I could tell you if there is a naked girl in our room! And I gotta say it doesn't happen often!!"
"Often enough!"

"You know, why do you even have such a problem with it? Jealous of me?"
"Why would I be jealous of you?"
"Because I have all the girls!"

"I.. don't care about the girls.."

"What did you just say?"


"OMG Are you now FINALLY admitting that you're gay?"

"I am not-"

"I knew it, for all this time!! YOU ARE GAY!!"


I yell at Sirius, who apparently realizes that he should really go, because he rushes out of the room but not without slamming the door shut very loudly.

I release the breath I didn't realize I was holding and lay down on my bed, a book in my hands and my face turned towards the wall.

Nobody knows it but it is true. I am gay.

Nobody knows, because nobody would like me anymore if I'd tell them.

My best friends are already covering for my furry problem, and I still am not believing that they really do still like me. I am just a burden for them and at some point they're just gonna leave me alone and I won't have anybody who would help me, so why would I even tell them.

It's just another secret I have, another secret they would have to hide...

I can just cover it under all the others. It is hard, especially with James talking about Lily all the time, how she looks, how she smiles and how she talks. He wouldn't like me talking over a guy like this.

And Sirius. He wouldn't understand either. Fucking all those girls. The thought of him fucking a guy wouldn't even make any sense to him, yes, he would probably be disgusted. He is the straightest guy in gryffindor. He doesn't care about boys, no, only a girl can turn him on, only a girl could make him happy, could have a family with him.

I lied to him earlier. I am the only one who has a problem with him and the girls. I am the only one, because I hate seeing him with them. I want somebody like him. Exactly like him. Somebody caring, loving, hot with a hot ass who fucks the living hell out of me. I want those curls, this body and that grin. Those lips and his eyes. I want him...

We're not a couple!!||Wolfstar OSWhere stories live. Discover now