Chapter 1 - Backstory

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Five months.

That was how long Loki managed to pose as his father before someone even realized the difference. But when one person did, they all did. And when all did... Loki was on the run. 

Odin had already been safely returned home, but Loki didn't wait to see what his father was going to say to him. He had packed a small bag, changed into a more Midgardian outfit, and he ran. His magic had been starting to fail him ever since he had faked his death, and it had just been getting weaker and weaker. His magic was practically at its breaking point by now, so he didn't bother attempting to use it until he needed to.

As he dashed through the streets, he kept his head down, hiding in his green hoodie, trying to not run into anyone. Most people on Asgard didn't bother questioning what others were wearing, especially since Thor himself had been seen wearing Midgardian clothing before. This worked to Loki's advantage, luckily. He knew he wouldn't be able to use the Bifrost to make his escape, so he had to use his secret exit. The only issue with that was that it was across the water, and he had no means of getting there. 

Blindly trusting his own powers, Loki continued to run towards I the water, closing his eyes right before he hit it. Instead of his feet breaking through the surface and him falling face-first into the water, he suddenly found himself tripping over his own feet in a cave, barely being able to catch himself before he hit his head on the rocky wall. He quickly got to his feet again, his eyes scanning the area he was in. The tunnel. His magic had worked! He didn't bother being proud of himself, instead opting to continue running towards the other end of the tunnel. As he neared the exit, it got harder and harder to control his own body. This was what happened when you took the tunnel by foot, but he just pushed forwards, running as fast as he could, forcing himself to keep moving. 

With a flash of bright white light, Loki was tripping over his own feet again. This time, however, there wasn't a rocky surface to 'catch' his fall. There was no surface at first, in fact. He found himself tumbling down a grassy hill, passing by trees as he fell. He somehow managed to not hit a single tree on his way down, eventually coming to a still, dizzy position at the bottom of the hill. He sat there for a moment, a hand on his head, before panic began settling in. He didn't know where he was, and if someone were to find him, it was likely he'd be ignored and left for dead. A pale hand clutched around his satchel, assuring himself that it was there. He quickly stood again, stumbling dizzily, shaking his head to regain his center of balance.

"Where even am I...?" He asked himself quietly. All he could see ahead of him was trees and grass, maybe a few other plants scattered around, but none that he really noticed or cared about. He glanced around him for a moment, trying to figure out the best plan. After a moment or two, he decided to just head forward. He definitely wasn't going back up the hill, and he could barely see what was to the left or right of him other than trees. Forward just seemed like the best plan to him.

The prince continued onward, still clutching his satchel anxiously, half expecting something to jump out at him at any moment. He knew for a fact that this was Midgard- no other realm out of the nine had such an environment- but Midgard was a giant place. He could be anywhere. He eventually came to a clearing in the wooded area, but what he saw in front of him made his heart practically drop. 

The Avengers Compound.

At least, that's what he assumed it was. 

It was a big building, that was for sure. Well, it was a lot of buildings, all of which were relatively big, which made up one sort of base. That was the best way Loki could describe it, at least. He could feel panic start to swell in his chest as he realized where he was. He knew that it was the Avengers Compound for certain by the big 'A' on the side of the main building, which was quite oddly shaped. 

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