We'll fight till the End!

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It's the day of the battle , your first. And your the flag tank

Denis pov :

We're on our way to the fight we are going to fight till the last tank is disabled
We have high Hope's and we know Katyusha Nonna count on us . We're ready!

We're all in our tanks and wait for the match to begin then the match starts.

Katyusha (radio) : "get to your position!"

Denis/you : we already arrived there

Katyusha (radio) : "fine stay there we'll handle this

An hour past but then it went terribly wrong that is what we heard on the radio:
KV-2 disabled
T-34-85 disabled we heard that four times
T-34-76 disabled and that two times
But then your heart stopped
IS-2 disabled
Your crew was shocked, your alone.
"What should we do" your crew asks
You simply reply "fight till the end"
All the others heard that to
"Yes sir?"
you looked at crew with your body filed with determination
Husaria pov:
The tank shot forwards, in front of them there's a forest they'll use it as cover and surround the enemy.
The first enemy tank in sight was a Matilda .
Denis gave Klara the order to shoot at the back of its turret
And she hit.
First enemy down
Than a few Crusaders came into sight
All were disabled by one single hit each.
now it's a 1vs1
Churchill Vs T-34-57
The husaria raced towards its enemy first it disabled it's track and then took a hit that blew of the right track
But the husaria reloaded faster and gave the Churchill a final blow
The Announcer called "the flag tank from St.Gloriana is disabled so the Pravda highschool wins!"

Denis pov:
You got out of your tank barely able to believe what you and your crew did.
Klara,Ivan and Sergei got out to
"I'm dreaming right?"asked Ivan
"Nope you're completely awake"
"WE WON!" screeched Klara before hugging you,Sergei and Ivan at the same time.
Then a truck arrived both doors opened and Katyusha and Nonna came out
"You did it" Katyusha screeched
Nonna just gave the whole team a warm smile.

(This describes the husaria pov pretty good.)

A Day later
Time : 15:30
Just after school

You're on your way to your apartment
Normally you take the bus. But today you decide to walk.
The way is covered in snow and a bit ice .
Then you hear someone calling your name as you turn around your surprised it's Katyusha what she does want from you? As she arrives at your location she hands you four round pieces of metal
"What are these ?" you asked
"Read what's written on them"
Written on it was "Katyusha's honor medal for the husaria crew "
There was even a small tank painted on it
"A medal? Thank you Katyusha!"
"I made it myself!" Katyusha proudly announced.

You said goodbye to Katyusha and headed home

Small timeskip*
Arriving at the apartment.

You open the door to see Sergei Ivan playing chess
They greet you
You gave them theyre medals
Sit down on your bed and pull out a Laptop , there a few things that you need to buy .

Here's what you bought

A soviet commander cap

A soviet commander cap

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A soviet winter coat

Some paint for the tank

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Some paint for the tank

Uniforms for the crew

beside that you also got some wood and feathers for another purpose

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beside that you also got some wood and feathers for another purpose.
You also got a emergency bundle including a gas mask

Timeskip*A week later The stuff you bought got delivered

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A week later
The stuff you bought got delivered.
You , Ivan , Sergei and Klara got to the tanksheds and began to work on the husaria.

When your done with the tank
It looks completely different it had a standard forest camouflage and husaria was written on the side of the turret you also put wooden wings on the back of the turret.
Then the door of the shed openend and Nonna stepped in
" What are you doing"

"Oh not much , painting our tank , trying on our new uniforms" Sergei answered.

"Well you missed something , our enemy for the first round of the tournament got announced it's the Bonple highschool."

You heart stopped for a second.

I apologize for the bad writing in this story.
I mostly wrote these parts in one night and got kinda tired but I didn't want to stop writing.
But I thank everyone that atleast read this story it also makes me happy : )
Oh and you can also tell me how I could improve my writing in the comments !

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