A Different Ending

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They met on an unofficial note. On what seems like an unfortunate path, she finds herself dazed in his glorious statement of perfection. At a period of doubt where what looked like dark clouds had been unlocked with the key of sight, out came one ray of sunlight at a time. What presence he had would make the planet rock brighter and brighter by what she had never seen before or knew could exist.Who knew what would happen after that, if only the stars could have warned her.

By nightfall it had been the most dreadful day in the record book of dreadful days. She was preparing herself the rest the family was to as they say "turn over a new leaf". How was it so possible that by such boredom of a living space their family would have to move their belongings into a whole new place. It burned her how she had to leave her only and best friend without notice until too late. Their separation between them burned his name onto her soul with a metal rod. She did quite more than miss her best friend, it was a bit more of a social longing because her tongue held,way too very still. She tried to think of any person she could that she knew could replace him and only for the thought of it. Of course she was without finding anyone. The next day was when she would see where this unfateful destiny brought her in this new school. Before, when she first came to the middle school where she met this honorable friend, she stayed silent and the friends approached her. Yes, this is true. Without saying anything, only her name. Too bad she let these "friends" go because they eventually ended up hanging on by a thread. Now, when she got to this fair castle, or school if you will, there was nothing as she expected. No student asked her what school she came from, no one said " hey come sit with us", or "we'll be your friends, because you seem really cool". No. Socially, there was everyone for themselves. Introvert will not speak. Extrovert will not shut up. And so it went.

From 8 a.m to 4 p.m she felt as if she was looking in the face of educational misery. It was a fair day in weather that day and of course high spirited. She saw him in an everyday human form but after a while she could have sworn he was something greater than human. She thought it was unusual for someone like him to be in an ordinary place with "common people". Over the course of three days her heart swelled for .... what had felt like forever. She had everything set up just how it should be and didn't realize that no one but her would have to start from nowhere and that idea wasn't quite what she liked to think about but she had no choice. The slim thought of them being as one made her soul wail. And then it began to come to her that this was not an ordinary love story.

It felt familiar. She was all in and he was absent , with no idea what could happen and only if she couldn't shut up. Why was it that she just won't ever speak? She needed someone to break her but she had to break herself first.

Every minute of her seemingly terrible life was enlightened by even his very voice and smile. The sound of his every breath made her liable to die of negligent love so, so, painfully and quickly.

In math class he took not a single note yet remembered every quote, theorem, angle,measure and anything else we would have learned. Smart sure. No, brilliant, she thought, maybe even knew so.

To her overwhelmingly magnificent surprise created by the God of sweet Mary and Joseph he was not in one of her classes but two with one in between the two. She thanked this same God that the second class they took together was the last of the day. This was Great, so great because she could think of him as long as her mind would let her until she saw him again.

Why, was it so hard to open her mouth and say hello or nice jacket, anything was better than nothing.

In the event of her not having the least bit of courage to regularly talk, she listened. One day she heard something so vile she wished her hearing was that of a 70 year-old woman. She heard his friend say something in relation to him trying to get to know a girl she had no idea of. In a coincidental incident, she saw who he was trying to make new conversation with. As nature would have it she stared a hole into this girl until her eyes burned. This act she took on was not from jealousy but from overpowering love that wasn't controlled at its best. So doubt came along and she figured her love was loving that girl until one day she came to her senses after seeing that girl smothering a lanky male in thick hugs. When she finally got into the class she was on her way to she was in a better mood than before.

People always look for the definition of life. Life, she said is a needle in the haystack in a world without magnets and no way to dig through without piercing the hands of the unknowing and absent minded living scarring without remorse.

Everyday she wished she could unbend the paper clip that bound together her mouth and her mind. It wasn't fun being able to stay quiet all the time. She wished she could literally be strapped to the chair of nonexistence and thrown to a pack of hungry wolves along the lines of the crooked galaxy.

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