Killing spree

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        And things that is ........I don't know just read if you what)

It was night time at Paris France hawkmoth was getting ready Mayura decided to join in the fun they got some knives then went to where her ex was the two were now running with knives

Be careful you might stab yourself said hawkmoth

Don't worry I will said mayura

they saw he was sleeping it was perfect they got inside then it woke him up

Hello?...who's there

Hi there my name is Mayura

Oh hi Mayura--''

He didn't finished. Hawkmoth was starting to choke him then he stopped

Pls stop ...

Then mayura was now stabbing him multiple times she opened his stomach and pulled out all the guts inside she laugh like the devil then threw them away hawkmoth removed his head them stab it multiple times after that they saw his body was on pieces she took his heart then broke it

Good bye mother fucker my payback for you cheating on me Sorry it was late to give you said nathalie

Then they left the house without anyone noticing they went back to the mansion and we transformed

So Nathalie are you happy now?

To be honest yes I was

If anyone hurts you again I will make sure that the same thing will happen to them the He started to kiss her she was shock but then she kissed back after all this is her biggest dream ever then after they missed the two fell asleep on his bed

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