My birthday

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When there was nobody I wondered am i in a dream and I realized my mom said remember to change your time on your phone because of daylight savings and your watch to ok and I checked my watch and school hasn't started by the way I take public bus not school bus so I said I might as well stay here till 8 o' clock. After I got out from school I came home it was dark and was able to see in the dark so I was like why are they hiding from me and then someone turned on the light and they said surprise its your birthday I was happy I ate a lot of cake and then I said that's why you guys were hiding how did you know uh just guessing and I sat down in the couch and said I was close to being caught. Well it's a good thing I didn't get caught I went to the woods and met up with my friends there and we talked for about an hour or two and that's when we heard gunshots we started running fast I said run guys and Vanessa got shot in the leg and she couldn't run we had to carry her she turned back into a human then they cornered us and a alpha wolf jumped out and attacked the human and we saw him brutally kill them we said thank you and Vanessa woke up we turned into humans and he did to and Vanessa looked at him and said hi and fainted the guy caught her I whispered to Beth and said I bet Vanessa likes him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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