The Great Escape

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     I woke up the next morning feeling like complete shit. My back ached and my head was pounding-Not to mention that it was freezing. Small streaks of light shined through small windows and cracks in the walls letting me see more of what I didn't see last night. Suddenly I heard a loud door slam, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked toward the door and saw the boy from last night walk in.

     "Rise and shine!" he laughed as he approached me. I stood up off of the floor and I was now face-to-face with him. "You hungry?" he asked. I nodded. "How you feeling?" He said catching me off guard. Why does he care how I feel?

     "Excuse me?" I replied.

     "How do you feel?" he repeated.

     "How do I feel? I'm exhausted. I'm freezing. I'm starving. I'm scared. My back hurts like a bitch and I have a migraine. I think I feel pretty good" I said sarcastically as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Look-" he started as he grabbed my arm. "DON'T. fucking touch me. Last night you were looking at me like you wanted to kill me now you have sympathy for me Leave me alone!" I yelled.

     "Listen, I'm not going to kill you. I won't hurt you, period. Relax. It's all for show! I only did this job to save my self-" he was cut off by the door slamming. A very dark, heavy set man walked over to us.

     "So Roc.........." the man said. Well at least now I know his name. "Yes, Boss?" he swallowed. "THIS is our victim. Hmm..." He said as he walked around my shivering body. "I think I like you. It's nice to finally meet you. What's your name?"

        I stayed silent.

       "I SAID 'What's your name?" he yelled in my ear. "M-my name is Alix." I stuttered.

      "Roc, take her to get some food or something? I have to go out of town for a few days so watch after her until I get back. Don't do anything that'll get you killed" Boss said as he glared at Roc. "I won't" He said. Boss looked back at Me, then at Roc and finally walked out. 

        After the door slammed Roc began to panic and pace the floor.

       "I have an idea!" He blurted out. "I hope you don't think I care. Last time I check, you kidnapped me?" I rolled my eyes.  "Because, I've been through this I was just never able to escape it.  If you don't go along with this you'll be in my position; helping a sick man kidnap teenagers. We can help each other!" He explained.

        "Why should I trust you!" I asked.

     "Because I'm cute, now let's go! We don't have much time." He said. I rolled my eyes but I agreed.

        "Carry this." He handed me a black duffel bag as he carried one of his own. He lead me out of the building and into a black Escalade. He took the bags and threw them in the trunk. "Get in." He demanded.  "Noooo, I'm just gonna stand here and wait till you leave then I'll walk......" I said sarcastically. "Look, we don't have all day smart ass! We have 20 minutes until the McDonald's menu changes from breakfast to lunch so if you want some pancakes you need to hurry yo ass up." he smirked. "I really don't like you." I said as I hopped in the passenger seat.

        This is gonna be a long ride.

      After we ate we began to form a plan. Roc explained to me how heavily armed and secure "Boss" is. How in the hell are we going to escape without getting caught and killed?

     "We have to leave the city?" I asked. "We have to leave the state, maybe even the country!" He said. "THE COUNTRY! What hell? Why can't I just go home and act like none of this ever happened?" I yelled. "Because that wont work. He's been spying on you for the past month, he knows where you live!" He revealed. "So my family is in danger!" "Yes, so I suggest you call your mom and tell her to get the hell out of there!" "Are you serious" "Dead ass" He handed me his phone and I hesitantly grabbed it and dialed the number. 

     When my mom answered the phone I explained everything to her and made her promise not to call the police and that I would be fine. I told her to get out of Chicago and go somewhere safe. After a lot of convincing she finally agreed.  

    "I love you mom" I began to cry.  "I love you too Alix."   I hung up. That was the first time in forever that she told me she loved me. Hopefully this isn't the last time I'll talk to her. I handed Roc his phone back. He looked like he felt so bad for me but I didn't want him to.  "It's fine." I said.  

     I wiped my eyes and changed the subject:

    "So how we gone get this money?"

                                                                                                           to be continued...........

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2013 ⏰

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