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i woke up one morning to my phone going off. i didn't have an alarm set so it was probably someone calling me.

i let it ring while i tried to go back to sleep. it rang again. and again. and again.

i finally looked at my phone and it was jordan, my internet best friend, facetiming me.

i answered it and yawned as i sat up against my headboard.

"good morning, sleeping beauty," jordan joked.

"yeah, ha ha. very funny," i mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"you woke up on the wrong side of the bed," he claimed.

i was silent before i said, "i sleep in the middle of my bed."

jordan laughed. "you just seem a little more grouchy than normal."

"well, normally i text you saying i'm awake," i stated.

"yeah, well it's 11:00 am. i thought you were dead," he shrugged.

"that's early, dude."

"not compared to the last few days," jordan laughed.

"days. that's because my sleep schedule is messed up," i smiled.

we continued to small talk for a little bit before i decided to get up and get ready.

i went downstairs and ate breakfast with jordan still on facetime.

i go back upstairs and brushed my teeth, afterward picking out an outfit.

(sorry if it triggers you that u ate n then brushed ur teeth. i just think it pointless to brush ur teeth n then go eat so ya)

i packed a suitcase to visit my little brother in florida.

(i looked up where jordan lived, creepy ik, but it said somewhere in florida but i don't think that's right we goin w it anyway doe)

"what are you packing for?" jordan had asked.

"i'm going to visit my brother.. in florida. oh my gosh! we should meet up!" i exclaimed.

"oh my goodness! we so should," he shouted. "what day are you going to be there?"

"my flight leaves tomorrow and i'm stay for two weeks," i explained.

"let me see if i'm busy any of those days," he said as he put me on paused.

"aw shit," i heard after a little while.

"what? what's wrong?"

"those two weeks are the weeks that my whole family stays in a house together, pretty much a family gathering," he sighed.

"two weeks?" i asked.

"yeah," he huffed.

"okay, well maybe next time," i smiled, slightly upset.

we've been trying to meet up for the longest time and our one chance to do so, we can't.



it's the next day at the airport and i'm still upset. i mean it isn't his fault and i would never ask him to skip, but it hurts still.

after getting on the plane, i put my stuff in the overhead compartment and sat down.

i put my phone in airplane mode, knowing they would ask for us to do it.

i'm glad i got a window seat because otherwise i would've been panicking.

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