Ch. 1

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Michael Clifford had been having quite a bit of bad luck lately. This was the fourth day in a row, that he had spilled his morning coffee in his lap, and had to change. As you can imagine, the red haired boy was not in the best of moods. In fact, he'd been feeling really, really low. He couldn't even sleep lately. The voices that shout in his head kept him up. Those horrible voices, tearing him down, ripping him apart from the inside out. Michael wasn't sure how much longer he could go on like this. It was both mentally and physically draining.

The nineteen year old ran his hands through his bright red hair, letting out a frustrated sigh. The voices were back. Not that they ever really left. He just pushed them to the back of his mind, but they wouldn't let him ignore them any longer. They were screaming now. Some in high pitch voices, that made Michael's ears burn, and some in deep, raspy voices. They were all telling him he was an awful person, and reminding him of all the things he tried so hard to forget.

It was overwhelming. He pulled on his hair, so tightly, it's a wonder it didn't come out in chunks, as he hits the wall with his body, sliding down to the floor. Hot tears streamed down his pale face, as he closed his eyes tightly, and screamed out, as loud as he could, completely falling apart.

He stayed on the floor for two whole hours, rocking back and forth, trying to get the voices to leave him alone. They finally quieted down enough for him to think. Now there was only one voice speaking. It was a man'a voice, telling him to go to the city bridge. Michael felt he should listen to the voice, so he walked downtown, to the bridge.

As he looked down at the rocky water, beneath him, he could hear the voice getting louder.

"Jump, Michael." the voice said.

Michael gripped the railing, debating on wether he should do it or not.

"You have no one." the voice told him.

"I have no one...." Michael repeated.

"And it's all your fault." the voice continued.

"And it's all my fault..." Michael said, the tears returning.

"End it now, Michael. Jump!" the voice pressured.

Michael leaned over the edge, ready to give in. He wanted this to end. He wanted it to all go away.

Just as he was about to jump, he felt a hand grab his arm. He turned to see a tall, blonde boy, around his age, looking at him with concern and worry in his big blue eyes.

"Wait, don't do this." the blonde said, pulling Michael away from the railing.

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