Now to begin the story

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Now that we have all been introduced lets start the story.

"Mom I'm hungry!" I yell into the fish tank to my mother. "well then ask Allie for food!!" my mother shouts back. My mother knew just as well as I did Allie was at work. Can you believe that? four years old and she is working at pets mart. That's how she found me and my parents. She came in one day and applied for the job. The next day she got hired. On the third day of work I had been a very bad bird. I didn't say "Polly want a cracker" so I was being thrown out. Allie came out that day to throw the trash away and then saw me. I could feel the sadness in her eyes. She felt so bad for me she snuck me into the bathroom until she left. I has to say it was pretty nice seeing them girls walk in and see me. It was every boys and some girls bird dream. Anyway I don't want to tell you anymore. So after work she took me to her house where I met my DELICIOUS looking parents. Allie made her stuffed animals all line up in a line an watch as my newly found parents signed their names on the papers. That was hard because every time my mom and dad tried to sign it it would get ruined. So Allie just signed it for them. Then for the last 5 years I have stayed o. This planet with Allie, my parents, and her stuffed animals.

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