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"Kageyama, please. You can't keep sitting around like this, you need a stable job!'' Coach Ukai raised his voice for the millionth time this week. Kageyama had gone to Ukai's shop again after coming home from Tokyo, he was his former coach from high school. Kageyama played volleyball on a professional level but he didn't have a lot of money and he couldn't keep asking his parents to lend him some. Most people on his team had side jobs like working in the grocery store, in restaurants and boring stuff like that. His team, the Schweiden Adlers, had decided to take a break for a few months after losing in the olympics again not making it to the semifinals. Kageyama stopped enjoying playing volleyball, he saw no point in it anymore and that scared him. He was becoming his old self again, the selfish king of the court. So he was actually glad that they were taking a break so everyone could focus on themselves.

"What? Are you saying that volleyball isn't a job?'' Kageyama's eyes narrowed as he shot Ukai a nasty glare. "Now, I didn't say that. But what I did mean is that it isn't stable. I work at a school, as a coach, it's different.''

"Ugh, I know Ukai! Just-,'' Kageyama lost his temper, he had been holding back for a while now, he hadn't slept properly for weeks, and Ukai just had to be an annoying- , getting into people's business. When could he have some rest?

"Just nothing Kageyama. Please, one time. Come with me to the club tonight. And if it isn't your dead, you start working there. Alright? I'm sure Tanaka Saeko will take you in for these 2 months.'' Ukai closed the conversation leaving no space for further argument. Kageyama rolled his eyes and breath out a deep sigh.

Later that evening, Kageyama dressed himself with black skinny jeans and a white button up shirt, rolling up the sleeves. He could hear the loud obnoxious music from streets away. He hated Ukai for pulling him into this, but secretly he was also very grateful because he did need the money and a part time job. As they entered the club the dim music changed into an ear deafening scream. It was so loud that Kageyama cringed and covered his ears in pain.

"These walls should be very soundproof,'' he thought to himself, barely being able to hear his own voice in his mind. Ukai elbowed Kageyama against his arm making him look up, the taller male mentioned with his head to follow him, as he did. They went to the back behind the bar as the music dimmed again when the door closed.

A slim woman was sitting neatly on a chair, wearing casual clothes. "Welcome, it's nice to see you again Kageyama-kun.'' She stood up, her blonde hair bounced around along with her movements. She held out her hand , ready for Kageyama to take it.

Hesitantly, he raised his and and shook hands with Saeko, it was weird to call her Tanaka, "As you might know by now I'm the manager of this club." She smiled a flashy smile, "Anyway, nice to finally see you again!''

"Nice to see you again too.'' Kageyama mumbled, barely understandable. She let go and turned around and took some sort of cloth in her hands, as she handed it to Kageyama.

"Well, I think you got it from here,'' Saeko said directed to Ukai as he nodded. She just grinned and disappeared through another door.

Finally Kageyama's gaze returned to the cloth in his hands, he studied it a little bit better, it was a black apron. He figured he should put it on and so he did. "Let's get started,'' Ukai said as he opened the door they entered through previously.

The loud music overpowered him once again, but he figured he should just accept it. He wouldn't get out of this anyway. Ukai explained the drinks, formally he had worked here when his shop wasn't doing so well, what was where and a paper with all the combinations of the drinks on because how could bartenders remember all of it. Apparently there was also a tip jar, but Kageyama rolled his eyes when Ukai gave some tips how to earn some extra money.

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