Step 8 ~ Ignore Her

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"Bridget Riley!"

My mums voice echoed down the hallway. I turned my TV volume down and got up off my bed, walking over to the doorway of my room.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Dinner's ready!" She called.

"What are we having?" I asked.

"Chicken and mushroom pasta, you know the one Grandma makes with extra cream and potatoes!" She sounded excited but I didn't.

My stomach tightened. The amount of calories in that meal add up to way to much. I mean potatoes and cream, fatty and disgusting.

"I'm not hungry." I called back.

I walked back over to my unmade bed and flopped down on it, leaving my feet hanging from the bed. All I've been doing this afternoon is watching reruns of the TV show Neighbours, and I'm really tired.

"Birdie you need to eat!"

I heard her foot steps coming up the stairs, in the direction of my room. I turned over from my stomach to lying on my back. I whined as pain shot straight up my spine.

"I'm not hungry." I repeated.

She looked at me like she knew I wasn't telling the truth.

"I feel sick." I lied to cover it up.

Mum came over to me and sat beside me on the bed. She placed the back of her hand on my forehead, checking my temperature. She frowned.

"You don't have a temperature. Do you even feel like chicken soup?" She asked.

I scrunched up my nose. That has even more calories in it than the pasta!

I shook my head and placed my head gently on the pillow. Mum moved slightly so I could lie down comfortably. She stroked my head, letting me just lie there for a minute.

"I'll take you to the doctor in the morning." She said softly.

"No I'm fine mum, I just feel really tired." I lied.

I hope she bought that!

"Well... Ok then, if you're still tired in the morning you can stay home." She said and pat my head.

I nodded. Mum stood up slowly and made her way out of my room, closing the door behind her. I rolled over onto my stomach and propped myself up on my elbows, grabbing my phone from my nightstand. I had 3 text messages.

Hey Bee! Are you ok? You didn't eat much today, how come? - Joe

I'm fine, just forgot lunch... - Bee

I texted back and kept reading the other texts.

Hey Birdie, how's your back? Did you see the doctor? Can you still do cheerleading? Txt me! Love ya ~ Casey

I couldn't even be bother to reply to her, like she even cares!

Hey Birdie are you still able to run in the morning with your back and stuff? - Jay

Of course I wanna go running! Don't know if I can but I will! - Bee

I need to go running if I want to get my back better, so I can do cheerleading. The fact that I can't do cheerleading because of my back, won't stop me from still doing it. It won't damage my back more than it already is. Right?

How To Get Back At Little Miss Boy ThiefOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz