Chapter- 3

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When the night settled and Zayn was laying beside Harry staring at the ceiling, Harry hushed at him.



"Draw on me?"

Zayn looked confused at him but then he saw Harry looking at the table, Zayn had left him to bath while he was sketching something on his notepad there. Zayn cant really get away from colours much. So he packed few things while coming to Harry.

"Draw you or on you?"

Though He has already switched on the second lamp and got the sketches in his hands.

"on me..."

Harry looked like he was going to sleep soon but he lifted himself and removed his t shirt, now only in his pants that doesnt help Zayn's loudly beating heart.

Harry – like always having the strangest requests.

So they settled – Harry laying on his stomach, his pale back exposed for Zayn to shade anyway he wants. The hues from lamp light becoming a creative background in its own way and Zayn could not help but stare. He is sure some music is playing in the air right now or he is being hypnotised because all he sees is Harry, wide shoulders, small waist, fk he got waist slimmer than models, he knows Gigi will kill for a figure like that but No one can look like this even if they got some standard shape of being a greek god or goddess. Harry is staring at him with nothing but patience.

Even the exhaustion looks befitting on him. The green in his eyes is a bit lighter and his back rise and fall with every breath he take in.

"what do you want?"

Zayn is sure they are not in some cosplay kind of thing and all Harry wants is what he asked for but he cant understand why asking this make him blush like that. So he looked down at the collection of sketches in his hands.

"Just draw how you feel? Dont know.....anything."

"what?" Zayn looked back at Harry's whispered reply. What does this suppose to mean?

"I'm your canvas Zee, do what you want.... fill me with colours?"

And Zayn nodded cause he was overwhelmed by Harry's intense stare. He felt like Harry was pleading for more but for some reason he cant understand.

So Zayn picked up the green because of course.... what other color would suit the glowing skin in front of him. He looked at Harry's unblinking stare and left a stripe of green on his side making Harry sigh.

It's the buzzing of crickets outside , and then faint laughter from Tom's kids, that made the music to his painting. Zayn didnt think much but picked a bunch of colors and rather than sketches he got his acralyics and just smeared the blue in the dip of Harry's back, somehow becoming the other boundary of this anonymous piece of art. This is not gonna go in any of his collection though, either Zayn is gonna detest it to no limits or it will be forever imprinted in his memory like a screensaver, always there behind his eyelids just before he wake up or really just blink his eyes.

Somehow he ended up laying side wise Harry and felt Harry tracing his arm tattoos, wherever he can reach, he looked content, spacing in and out of present , somewhere on the verge of dreams and reality. And looked the same for Zayn too.

Even though his ribs are a bit more prominent for Zayn to see, Zayn can not help but sit and admire the expanse of his back after every stroke of another colour. Its a bird, Zayn doesnt know when he decided that but the wings are not painted into its normal colors, there is flame of colours but so much yellow and blue and green, its like Zayn's brain is being short circuited again beause he is finger painting on autopilot.

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