cheater ✿ b.h x j.h

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this is based off of the friends ross-chel breakup episode so in this instance

bryce = ross
jaden = rachel
griffin = joey
anthony = monica
josh = chandler
kio = phoebe

this is mainly jaden x bryce but there's josh x anthony if you look close enough ;))

a lot of the content in this is from the tv show friends, this is not copyright.

"bro this shit HURTS."
the four of them (josh, anthony, griffin and kio) had just finished a yt video on Griffin's channel:

Truth or Dare ft Josh Richards, Kio Cyr and Anthony Reeves

one of the dares had been to wax their legs, and of course, they had underestimated the pain.
that shit hurt.

"i swear to fuck i'm gonna cry." josh said, as he tried to wipe off the thick wax."holy shit."

"hey at least jaden and bryce made up!" anthony piped in, grinning.

griffin stopped and looked up at the others. " so they're actually back together? they're not on a break anymore?"

"yeah of course, why wouldn't they be?" said anthony.

griffin and josh shared a look, and then both shook their heads -"nothing" said josh

"josh! what is it!" said anthony, glaring over at him.
josh couldn't resist ant, he had always had a soft spot for him.

"fine but you can't tell jaden okay, especially if him and bryce are okay now."

"what?" said kio, staring at griffin.

"so, you know how bryce joined us at that club that the hot girl invited us to? and she had a thing for him?" josh explained

"yeah" said kio, whilst anthony muttered something about the girl not even being that hot.

"they um-" josh paused and griffin sighed and continued for him "he slept with her that night here. you might have heard."

"wait that was bryce, not you guys?" said anthony

"bryce who is dating jaden? as in our friend?" kio said, with indignation in his voice.

"yes and-"

but before griffin could continue there was yelling from downstairs.
very loud yelling.

the four of them scrambled out to the top of the stairs, and onto the balcony that was above their living room, staying well out of sight from the not-so-happy couple

"no i can't even look at you right now!"
"baby pleas-"
"no; you don't get to call me that- you know what i want you out of here- right now!

"that's them, bryce and jaden." kio whispered.

"i guess he found out." anthony muttered, in a weak voice.

"maybe he didnt?" josh said with hope in his voice

"i mean to sleep with someone else TWO FUCKING HOURS after we had a fight, how could you?" jaden voice came, breaking with each word.

"oh. he did." josh mumbled.

"jay, please can we talk about this-"

jaden scoffed.
"you wanna talk about this? fine! how was she?"

"oh god don't answer that!" muttered griffin from their hiding place
"terrible!" chimed in josh
"awful!" added griffin

"nothing compared to you!" yelled bryce.

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