Lockdown x Sentinel

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Standing in front of the warehouse he paused for a moment. His body was frozen with... Well... He was too noble to be afraid of anything, even Lockdown. As he stood anticipated in front of the door, he proceeded to reach a servo up to the door. Sentinel stopped, he felt his body tense up. He was unable to knock on the door. A numbness took over, all the abuse he's ever enduring resurfaced back in his CPU. The only reason why he did this was for those disgusting decepticons wanted by cerbertron. He remembered constantly reminding himself he was doing it for the greater good of Cybertron. That alone helped him continue with this illicit act, but now... It doesn't feel the same. He always knew it was wrong, the entire time he knew, but this time he was realizing... This would be the last time he'd ever see Lockdown. Everything stops today. It was the last day, the last time he would do this for wanted fugitives. He'd never have to give his body to that mech ever again. He'd be Magnus, he would have authority and leadership throughout Cybertron. A small glimpse of hope seethed through him, he felt happy again, he knew after this he'd be the most respected mech in all the galaxy. That small glimpse of aspiration gave his servo the strength to knock on that door and get this over with. Knowing this would be the last time Sentinel had to do this made him euphoric and... A bit suprised for some reason. As he proceeded to knock he felt his tank drop at the thought of seeing him. No matter how many times he does this he'll never get use to it. He waited in front of the door impatiently. All he wanted to do was get this over and done with, all he needed to do was take Ramjet back to base and leave forever...

About 6 cycles went by and to no avail, still no answer. Thank Primus Jazz and Ultra Magnus are with the Autobot's looking for Ramjet somewhere else. Since all of them decided to split up, Sentinel took this as an opportunity to leave and meet Lockdown. Ramjet was in stasis as Lockdown held him captive in his ship, he was for Sentinel like all the others and for exchange Sentinel had to do some things for Lockdown. In all honesty, Sentinel didn't have to ask Lockdown to capture the mech for him. There was only one left, he would be easy to locate and take down, but asking Lockdown to take him was easier than having everyone do it themselves... Right? Returning back to reality, Sentinel realized how long he had been waiting for him. He began to impatiently tap his digit against one another, but he was in no hurry.

*don't tell me I'll have to knock again...* Sentinel pondered to himself. Knocking one last time wouldn't too eager would it... As he reached to knock again the door swung open, he was grabbed by the wrist and was pressed against a large chassis. Sentinel felt a large servo wrap around his abdomen, it pull him in even tighter. Standing there for a moment Sentinel didn't know what to do. He could hear this mech's internal fans moving rapidly, the same went for Sentinel. He couldn't pull away from him, he couldn't move, he couldn't leave, he couldn't shove, he felt paralyzed to his touch. Pushing him away would only result in lockdown refusing to handover Ramjet. That was the last thing Sentinel needed right now, to work so hard only to have it blow up in his face. Metaphorically and physically speaking. The last thing he wanted to do was screw up his chances of getting what he needed. This was his last day here, he had to play along with Lockdown's teasing if he wanted to get what he longed for... To be Magnus, that's all he's ever wanted. Nothing will change his mind, not even Lockdown.

Confusion, anger, and loneliness was all Sentinel was feeling towards this embrace. Usually he would be fighting back, but this was different. This was the last time he was ever seeing Lockdown again.... The reality of him leaving was sinking in. The more Sentinel reflected, the more he felt the heaviness in his spark. It was more painful than anything he was feeling at that moment. The relief of him leaving was not as strong as the pain he was experiencing at this very moment. It hurt more than anything, he couldn't understand why. After this he won't be meeting Lockdown anymore. He'd be free on his breaks, have no where to go and no one to talk to. He was losing himself, he was feeling disgusted with himself for even feeling this way towards Lockdown. What was he even doing here, why was he even here, he didn't belong here, yet something inside him told him to stay. Something drawed him toward Lockdown, he couldn't explain it. He was still allowing it to happen, no opposion, no intrusion, nothing. Why did it have to be him, he'd never do this with someone else, but this was different. Sentinel couldn't understand why, he couldn't understand why they weren't jumping straight into interfacing like always, why was Lockdown taking his time with this stupid 'hug'. Was he being played for, was Lockdown just doing this to lower his guard, toying with his emotions, what was he doing? This wasn't right, be was betraying Cybertron, his people, Ultra Magnus. This wasn't suppose to happen, non of this was suppose to happen. Everything he planned, everything he waited for, all lead up to this ver moment. All these conflicting emotions clouded Sentinel's mind from hatred to anger to confusion. He felt his optics saddened as he looked up from the other mech's chest. His face was buried into the crook of Sentinel's neck despite how much shorter he was compaired to Lockdown. The blue mech felt Lockdown's servo travel from his waist down between his thighs. Sentinel knew what was going to happen next. He should've never thought more of Lockdown, all he wanted to do was interface, he was stupid for thinking the way he did. Why would he let he's guard down like that, especially around Lockdown. If they were really going to interface he'd rather do that inside the holographic warehouse than outside. Sentinel felt Lockdown's servo brush against his interfacing panel, the abrupt touch alarm his factory sensors. Lockdown runned his servo against the sensitive panel faintly. Sentinel's grip tightened as he felt his body tense from his polish touch. He felt his body tremble at the tenderness of Lockdown's servo, it only made Sentinel realize how compelling Lockdown was even without him using his words.

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