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I'm Allison Larson and I'm 17. I live with my dad and brother in his large mansion. Mom had left us when I was 3 months old. I go to Loganville Highschool. I'm not popular and I'm super shy. I have only one best friend. Leah Potter. I mainly hang out with gay people since they're nice. We are pretty much invisible to everyone. I was at home after Friday and I was texting Leah. I suddenly got invited into a group chat. I went in and texted.

... who's group chat am I in? I asked.

Oops. Sorry, wrong number. A person replied.

Ooh! Newbie! Hi I'm Sam! A number said.

I'm Payton.

I'm Chase.

I'm CK.

I'm Noen.

I'm Syd.

I'm Avani.

I'm Anthony.

Oh... I'm Allison. Shit. You guys go to my school. I said.

Sam: Wait, really?!?!?!?!

Noen: Ooh! Come to us tomorrow!

Me: No. I'm shy, I don't say a word, I only have one friend... So definitely not!

Chase: Please. We wanna meet you!

Me: If you can find me first, I'll be your friend.

Payton: Yay!

Syd: Payton, you're an idiot. How do we find her?

Avani: Ask people??

Anthony: She is practically invisible. But it's worth a shot.

Me: Alright... Bye. If you can't find me by next Friday, I'm leaving the chat.

CK: No! New Friend!

Me: ...

I turned off my phone and it kept dinging. I went out with my brother and we had a little fun. When I got home, I saw another person was added on.



Chris: No! No! No! I'M SORRY!

A few minutes later, we went back to texting.

Sam: Where's Chris? He hasn't been texting...

Me: He has a bloody nose to take care of...

Chase: Welp.

Private Chat With Chase

Chase: Hey...

Me: Hey...?

Chase: Wyd?

Me: Nothing. Why...?

Incoming FaceTime From Chase

I answered since he knew what I looked like already.

"Hey," Chase smiled.

"Hm," I whimpered.

"So what's up?"

"Nothing," I whimpered.

"Are you always quiet?" I nodded and he did too. "Are you in any of my classes?" I nodded and he went on. "Which ones?" I bit my lip and stayed quiet. "I guess I'll find out on Monday." I nodded and Chris walked into my room.

"Yo, Chase," Chris said.

"Sup, bro?" Chase asked. Chris took my phone and I ate dinner. Chris soon came back and handed me my phone.

"The guys are coming over after school on Monday. So if you wanna leave, I'm giving you a chance," he said. I nodded and Monday came by really fast. I went to school and hung out with Leah. I avoided Chase and his friends all day and school ended. I got in my car and drove home. Chris's friends were coming over so Leah came over with her skate board and we decided to go down to the skate park. We hung out there for a bit and then Leah hit my arm.

"Hey... Isn't that your brother and the friends we're trying to avoid?" She hissed.

"Shit. Yeah," I said and they saw us.

"Hey, sis!" Chris teased.

"Go!" I whispered to Leah. We grabbed out boards and went to the other side. Just to annoy me, Chris followed with his friends. Leah and I were racing down when Chris and his friends came in front of us. We were about to hit them and Leah took a turn and I jumped over Chase, landing back on my board.

"Idiot!" Leah and I both hissed.
"Leave me alone," I whispered, beggingly to Chris.

"Not a chance!" Chris pushed me.

"Leave her alone," Leah pulled me away and I looked down. "You, missy, need to learn how to stand up to your brother!"

"I'm sorry," I said. "Let's invite the boys here." They soon arrived and I smiled. There was Atticus, Aaron, and Joel. We skated and didn't even care that Chris and his friends were watching us be idiots. I did a trick and landed and Aaron clapped.

"Yas, girl!" he yelled. He did a few tricks and then looked to the right. "Um... They're coming over." I looked and the boys skated over. I didn't even bother walking away this time.

"Little sis! I'm just gonna introduce you to them," Chris said.

"Uh, sorry! No! She's our bitch right now! Bye, motherfuckers!" Atticus and Joel pulled me away and I didn't even say a word. We were sitting on the side, looking at the boys when I got a text in the group chat.

Sam: Is he always like that?

Me: Lol. Yeah. He's amazing.

Anthony: Can we at least introduce ourselves?

Me: I already know who you are, but stay until 9. I guess. Ask Chris.

Payton: Yay.

Chris: Hey, sis. Dad's coming back tonight...

Me: so?

Chris: He won't like it if you're the only girl in the house... and he'd probably murder me...

Me: ...

Avani: I'm here, idiot!!

Me: See. 2 girls. :)

Syd: Ahem... Half a girl...

Me: 3...

CK: Don't mean to be in between the family thing, but we won't try anything.

Chase: Yeah. We aren't like that, Chris... I thought you knew that. This makes me sad. :(

Chris: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend you guys. :(

Noen: Kidding, bro. Chill.

Me: ...ok... so we still meeting?

Chris called me and I answered.

"I mean, if you're fine with meeting them..." He said.

"I'm not gonna fully freak out. I'll be calm. For the most part," I said.

"The problem is you don't talk." I looked at Chris and he shrugged. The boys looked between the two of us.

"Put me on speaker."

"Alright, you're on speaker."

"Our dad might be mad but I'm willing to meet you guys. I'm not always so shy. I just stay quiet."

"Okay. Yay!" The boys said. My phone started dinging and Chase was texting me "yay" nonstop.

"Chase! Stop it!" I said with a little laugh. The dinging stopped and I shook my head. "Alright. Chris, I'm going out with Joel, Atticus, and Aaron so I'll be home by 8," I hung up and our group left.

My Girl: Chase Hudson Love StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant