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"What?" They yelled. I felt panicked and Chase set his hand on mine.

"What happened to no sex before marriage?" Dad asked.

"Why was I in your wedding photo?" I asked.

"Abortion!" Dad ordered.

"That's it! All you do is disapprove of things. It isn't fair to anyone around you. And you should be celebrating and supporting her," Tamora said. Dad sighed and nodded.

"She's pregnant and only 18," he said.

"You're pregnant?" Everyone who had come in yelled.

"I want to claim positions for the wedding!" Bryce said. I got the sheet of positions, and everyone sat.

Bridesmaids: Addison, Dixie, Mads

Groomsmen: Griffin, Bryce, Jaden

Ring bearer: Milo

We had more and then finished.

"I don't have anything," Noen said. Chase and I looked at each other and nodded.

"You're the Godfather," Chase said.


"Yeah," I said.

9 Months Later

"Congratulations on the twins," the doctor said. I started at Chase and we both held a child. I held the girl and Chase held the boy.

"Are we seriously ready?" I asked.

"Too late for that now, Alli," Chase said. "But now I'm worried. We're both in college and neither of us will drop out. Who is gonna watch the kids?"

"I can," Tamora said. "You two go to school, then come back to take the kids."

"Thanks, Mom," Chase sat by my feet. I sat up and gave the girl to Tamora. Chase looked at me and smiled. "They need weird ass names," he snickered.

"Mercades," I pointed to the girl. "Mercy for nickname."

"What about him?" Chase asked me.

"Your choice."

"El padre," he said.

"When they ask us what we originally wanted, that's gonna suck. But no!"

"Jackson." The Doctor came in and asked for the names. "Mercedes and Jackson Hudson." All our friends came in and Noen held the babies first. We went home and Chase made a TikTok. He went live and I joined.

"As you guys probably know, we got married. But there's more," I said.

"We have kids!" Chase moved the phone to show them. Everyone was screaming in the chats and we ended. We put Jackson and Mercy to bed and I was so tired. Chase carried me to bed and we slept. The babies were always quiet so we were able to sleep. Tamora stayed while we went to school and girls would get mad when they saw me. "We aren't celebrating their birthdays until they can speak."

"Right," I said.

We finished college and graduated. I became a lawyer and Chase became a clothes designer. I didn't mind since it was something he liked, and he made tons of money. We continued TikTok and our kids started school.

"Mom, there's this cute girl. I'm gonna ask her out," Jackson said in 7th grade. I was 29 and Chase was almost 30.

"Okay," I shrugged.

"Mom, this cute guy came to my school."

"You mean Erik?" Jackson asked. "Didn't he get suspended on his first day?"

"Yeah. He fought Kevin and won."

"Mh-Hm," I said.

"You making dinner?" Chase walked in.

"Yeah. What do you want me to make?"

"Pizza!" All 3 said. I rolled my eyes and got started.

"Um... Chase, help them with homework."

"Why me?"

"I'm making dinner. You and I can watch a movie tonight if you do."


"Noen's home," Noen walked in.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going over?" Chase asked.

"I didn't want to bother you."

"Boys, go do something productive," I ordered.

"Yes, ma'am," Chase said. I loved how both of us were still so kiddish. That's the story of my life. I had a happy family and Chase and I loved each other forever.

The End

My Girl: Chase Hudson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now