chapter 9- Smile&Wave,Dear

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-Slight Self Harm-

Russia's POV
After my name was called from the booming speaker, I had left that grease factory. I slightly jogged down the side walk that was littered with pinecones and soggy wilted leaves. The wilderness was always quite amazing in my eyes but of course I couldn't let that show, who knows what will happen. I-if you show you're vulnerable or weak that's pretty much you A S K I N G to get beat up... I sighed thinking back to elementary school...

"Hey Russie!" My little sister Belarus called. She was wearing her usual white and red scarf that seemed to dance as the wind whisped past.

"Hey Bell, how was school?" I grinned and grabbed her back pack so I could sling it over my skinny shoulders.

"Good! Someone wanted me to give you this though. Isn't that nice?!" She pulled out a lined piece of paper that was folded in half. She giddly smiled and held her arm out for me to grab the letter. The letter had said many hurtful and unbelievable words that seeped into my self-confidence like water on paper. I tightly crumpled up the paper and gripped it in my pocket. I could feel my knuckles grow whiter as I held on to it tighter. The longer we walked the harder it got to not cry in public. My chest felt like someone had permanently nailed heavy weights to my stomach and back.
I squeezed my eyes shut and sighed sorrowfully as I continued down the sidewalk. I had to keep my guard up no matter what. I couldn't let someone in and let them know my weaknesses. Just like father taught.

I was about to reach for my phone when I heard loud yells and screeched just over yonder. my flight or fight instinct kicked in and I ran to the tallest building to see what was really happening. (... Ok boomer-) my combat boots slightly slid across the slippery smooth floor and I ran to the stairs. Thanks to my mother forcing me to take ballet lessons, I climbed up the stairs with ease. Half way through the stairs I heard loud rumbling that came with a loud SPLASH after which caused me to pick up my pace.

The cold wind caressed my warm cheeks and drifted it way through my locks of hair. I almost threw my head over the railing that lay on top of the roof of the building. I couldn't see it at first till I heard the loud crash noice again that only sounded like an echo considering I've heard it enough times. I spot two countries a little too close to the tsunami for comfort. But how comfortable can you get when you're near a  t s u n a m i.

America's POV
I grabbed the communist's hand, alarming him, and began sprinting away from the giant wave. There's no way I'm gonna die like this! We leaped over fallen objects and ducked under and into small spaces/tunnels to escape. 'Ame, we look so sexy rn aHh!' California screamed which didn't help the headache I had felt start to rise. My chest felt like literal fire as it stung my lungs with every thorny and icy breath I took. 'So this is what Hell feels like?' Colorado said, wheezing a bit.

"What the hell?!" North screamed at America, slightly startled by it all. The perilous action I had taken saved our lives! How does he not see that?

"Ok, I understand it was a bit dicey-"

"You could've killed us!"

"I couldn't just let us sit there and die! I had to do SOMETHING!" I yelled back and started sprinting down the crumbled sidewalk. I didn't know how much more of this I could take...

-skip brought to u by America's love for chicky nug nugs-

I started walking a half hour ago but I've been on the move for about two hours. I was now walking up the musky pathway to my Cabin. I felt very on edge as I reached for the chilling door knob to the cabins. You know that feeling when you're watching a horror movie and you know that gosh dang serial killer is gonna come snatch the chick but it still gives you emence anxiety? That's how I feel rn. Like a frickin blonde (me: hey-)To my surprise EU opened the door once again. His icy glare seemed to judge my every fiber and make me internally curl up in a ball and Sonic dash to safety.

"Good morning America." He stated coldly while reading some texts or news or whatever on his phone. 'The DISRESPEC-' Mississippi started but was cut off by Washington. 'Hey, no need to get aggressive, Missy.' Mississippi just grumbled but kept her mouth shut.

"Is it even Morning still?" I tried to lighted the mood but unfortunately it was as thick as (America, I mean-) stone. I bit my bottom lip and felt my lip begin to quiver. The uneasiness in my stomach began to grow and grasp my neck tightly.

"I suppose not. Anyways come in, we don't have all day." He rushed me inside quickly.

"Hah... Yeah... Welcome to highschool, we never have a full day." I said with a hint of melancholy.

"You get all night to stay up and be disobedient, now hurry up and get dressed. You look like a bafoon." I nodded at that and head towards my room to get changed for the day. I let out a breath of air I had been holding onto for dear life. But while I was walking towards my room, I heard EU say, "Damn Americans..."

This sure wasn't going to help keep my states calm at all...

Russia's POV

After the wave had destroyed half the town and passed by, I took my leave and headed to the exit. Long story short, I checked up on a few folks who were dangerously close but had gotten a warning before hand. But one question seemed to invade my train of thought, wHY HADN'T WE GOTTEN A WARNING?  I swear, it's like the humans and mother nature are TRYING to get rid of us.


I made it to the cabin and rested myself on the couch. What was I gonna do for the rest of the day? I sighed and got up to make my way to the kitchen. I took off my combat boots and slip then across the smooth floors and they collided with the door with a semi-loud 'THUMP'

I slid on the hard floors like I was ice skating and and eventually made it to the kitchen, only falling 3 times. I grinned at the sight of the pig who was- wait a minute-

America was crying? I mean I've seen him cry before but I still hadn't adjusted yet. I look down to see him scratching his bright red arms that I could've sworn were white before. The next thing I notice, the thing I should have noticed before were his distant eyes. He looked deep in thought and scared. No not scared, terrified.


I personally hate this chapter but I don't have the Patience to write it over so s u f f e r ig lol.
Goal: 800+
Today's: 1200+

If I can get this story to 1k reads than I'll make a little Comic +QnA,
Unless y'all done want me to.
But I thought it would be fun!

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