Right Back?

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Liam stared at the note on the table, a small smile appeared on his face while reading it.

My boys,

I've got my lazy bum up from the couch (you see that, Li? Hah!) *insert Liam's snort* and went to the store to get some groceries for your surprise dinner I'll be preparing.

Which...isn't a surprise anymore now, but, hey...

SURPRISE! *insert Liam's chuckle*

I'll be back soon.


              Louis :)

P.S. Yes, Ni...I'll bring you some sweets.

"What's that?" 

Liam got distracted when a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind and a curly haired head peeked over his shoulder.

"A note from Lou," Liam answered, "To spoil his own surprise for us."

Harry chuckled fondly, "That's so like Lou."

"What's so like Louis?" a voice with a slightly Irish accent suddenly asked from beside Liam, leaning closer to read the note. "Lou went shopping? I hope he brings me...oh! He is!" 

Liam and Harry both smiled at Niall's childlike enthusiasm. Sometimes Niall really did look like he was the youngest of the five of them, while Harry was actually the youngest by a year.

"Vat's happening boys?" Zayn's voice came from the doorway of the kitchen and Liam picked up the note, waving it around a bit.

"Lou's out shopping. Wants to make us a not-so-surprise dinner."

"He actually listened to you boss him around? That's a first."

"Hey!" Liam scowled as Niall and Harry tried to stifle their laughter, but weren't succeeding. "I'm not that bossy."

Zayn grinned, stepping closer to press a kiss on Liam's cheek. "Sure, love."

"Am not," Liam grumbled, rolling his eyes at the three others, "I just wanted to get him out of the house again."

"He's been sick, Li." Harry responded, throwing an arm over Niall's shoulders as he guided him towards the couch.

"Was sick, yes," Liam nodded, sighing as Zayn lead him to the couch as well. "He's feeling better for a week now."

"Well, he's outside now," Niall mumbled, curled into Harry's side, "Let's wait until he gets back. I hope he'll hurry. I'm already hungry."

"You're always hungry, Ni." Harry let out a little 'oomph' when he got elbowed in the stomach by Niall, of course.

"I'll put the telly on." Zayn said, wrapping his arms around a very cuddly Liam.

And so they waited for their boyfriend to return.


"He was supposed to be back by now, wasn't he?" Harry's voice piped up timidly, trying to ignore the fact that all four of them had been staring at the clock for almost an hour now instead of at the television screen.

"Maybe he ran into some fans," Liam answered. He was the only one still trying to pretend he was actually watching the screen instead of the clock.

"Maybe he just forgot the time," Niall chimed in.

Zayn didn't say a word, but his whole body was tense, even if Liam was rubbing soothing circles on his stomach.

They all went into silent mood again.

"I don't know which store Louis went to, but, I'm pretty sure they all closed two hours ago." Zayn's voice suddenly broke the silence, startling the other three.

"This isn't normal," Harry muttered, checking his phone and frowning. "Nothing. Did you guys receive a text or phonecall from him?"

The others checked their phones and shook their head in the negative.

"Li," Niall piped up softly, "I'm worried now."

"Maybe he's pranking us?" Liam tried but Zayn's unamused raise of the eyebrow stopped him. "Yeah...I'm getting worried too."

"Should we call the cops?" Harry asked.

"It hasn't been 24 hours. They won't do anything." Zayn answered through gritted teeth.

"Then what?" Niall asked, slightly panicked. "What if something happened to him? What if someone beat him up and he's lying somewhere in an alley and---"

"That's enough," Liam cut him off, getting up from the couch. "I'm going out. Looking for Louis."

"I'm coming with you," Zayn said, jumping up now as well.

"Me too," Harry spoke up, but Liam stopped him.

"No. You and Niall stay here. He might come back and I want you to let us know immediately when he does."

Harry hung his head, but nodded. "Ok."

"We'll let you know when we find him."

Then, Liam and Zayn were gone, leaving Harry and Niall alone and in fear for their boyfriend's safety.

"Haz?" Niall whispered, "I'm kind of scared..."

Harry pulled the slightly older boy tightly against himself. "It's gonna be alright, Ni. They'll find him. Lou will be alright, baby."

He didn't even know who he was trying to convince more. Niall or himself.

We're Kind Of Lost (Without You) - ZianourryWhere stories live. Discover now