Nowhere To Be Found

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They didn't get along at first, Liam and Louis that is. 

They were two different personalities. While Louis was loud and bubbly, Liam was quiet and reserved. He was the responsible one. He thought about their future while Louis wanted to have fun, because they didn't know when and how it would all end.

If you'd asked Liam back then, he thought Louis would be the one to make them fall. How wrong he was...

They didn't fall back then, almost 5 years ago now, and they still hadn't. They wouldn't. They'd all make sure of that.

What changed, you might ask. What changed Liam's opinion of Louis? Because Louis' opinion of Liam didn't need to be changed. He always saw the good in Liam, no matter how many times they butted heads.

Louis wore his heart on his sleeve. Even if he was a bit shy at first, once he got started, he never stopped.

Liam's whole view on Louis' personality, on Louis as a complete whole, changed that one night when the oldest of the group decided to confront him.

Liam had been on edge, because he felt like Louis was attacking him personally, but then...then the oldest boy said something that stuck in Liam's head.

Something that made him realize: 'I think I could fall in love with this boy'.

And he did. So hard and so fast no one saw it coming, least of all Liam himself.

Or maybe someone did.

Louis Tomlinson.


Liam winced a little when the door to his and Niall's room slammed shut, loud footsteps bounded into the room, combined with that loud voice. It were the worst sounds Liam could imagine and yet they were there. Right now.

"Liam!" Louis' voice boomed around the room almost in stereo sound. "Where the hell are you?"

Liam groaned, trying to bury his face in his pillow. Why wasn't Niall there? In fact, where the hell was the Irish lad anyway?

"There you are!" Seriously. Did he always have to be so loud? "I knew you were hiding from me."

Liam rolled his eyes and turned his head a little. "I'm trying to sleep. What do you want, Louis."

"I want to bloody know why you're always put a stick in the wheels when I have a plan to do something?"

"Because your 'plans' are usually stupid. Ridiculous even."

He could hear the intake of breath.

"I'm just trying to have a little fun."


"Yes, fun. F-u-n. I'm not even surprised you don't know what that word means."

And there you had it. Liam knew this was gonna go oh so wrong.

"I know what fun means. What you're doing, on the other hand, is destroying our chances in the music business."

"I'm....I'm what?!" 

"You heard me." Liam pushed himself up on his elbow a little, staring harshly at Louis. Unforgiving.

"How fucking dare you?" Louis half growled, hands clenched into fists by his sides. "Why don't you just pull that stick out of your ass for once? With your constant bossing everyone around. You're not our dad. Nobody even likes you."

And that was over the line. It actually hurt the always confident in himself Liam. Especially that last part, but, he wasn't gonna let Louis know that.

"Who cares if they like me or not?" He barked out, now sitting up completely, noticing Louis had come a little closer. "I'm doing this to get a career in singing. Something that I love doing. I've been here before, Louis. I almost made it before, but, I wasn't good enough. I won't let that happen this time. This time I'm gonna make it. No one will stop me. Not even you and your...your...foolishness!"

Louis was quiet, staring at the boy on the bed, his head cocked to the side. "So, that's it? That's what behind this whole uptightness, huh?"

Liam blinked, "What?"

Louis sighed, "You're scared. You're scared people won't like your singing, so, you concentrate so hard on it and push people away so you can just sing because you think that's the only thing that matters in this competition. Your voice."

Now Liam really was confused. "Well...this is a singing competition."

Louis actually had the nerve to laugh. "That's not all it is, Liam. Let's be honest...Would Wagner still be here if it was just a singing competition? No. He wouldn't.", maybe Louis was right about that one. But..."What's your point?"

"My point, my dear Liam, is that his personality is what's keeping him in this competition. People vote for him because he's funny. He's nice. He doesn't have a damn stick up his ass." Liam opened his mouth to say something, anything, but Louis didn't give him a chance. "I'm not asking you to stop singing, Liam. I'm asking...begging for you to loosen up. Just a little bit is enough. Trust me, if they see the fun side of Liam Payne, which I know you have in you, even more people are gonna vote for us and who knows...maybe we'll even have a chance of winning."


"Just think about it." Louis moved back towards the door. With his hand on the doorknob, Louis looked over his shoulder. "Oh, I was lying by the way. There is someone who likes you."

"Who might that be?" and Liam hates how hoarse and weak his voice sounds.


Before Liam has the chance of even trying to form anything to say to that, Louis is gone and he's staring at the door. 

He blinks a few times and then the weirdest thing happens...

His lips curl up into a true, genuine smile.


When the front door opens and closes, Harry and Niall are up on their feet before Zayn and Liam can make it properly into the living room.

"Did you find him?" They both ask in unison.

They see Zayn go up the stairs without a word. Harry follows him but gets the door smacked in his face, but not literally.

Niall stares at Liam, hating the devestated look in his eyes when he finally looks up at him.

"He's nowhere to be found."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2014 ⏰

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