Seri's Soju Soliloquy

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The captain's men leave after their clam and soju riot. Man Bok listens to the two people left in the house, the Captain and the drunk Division 11 lady named Seri. His ears prickle, ready to catch hushed conversations and minute sounds.

Feet shuffles, floor creaks, door opens.

S : "Do I sleep here tonight?"

Captain huffs. Bed squeaks.

S : "Am I heavy? "

A tiny punch.

S : "But you have strong shoulders. What are those shoulders for anyway?"

C: "Brace yourself for a big headache tomorrow."

Bed dips.

S : "Stay with me. Stay!"

Bodies move. Captain sighs.

S : "Is my head heavy?

C: "A little."

S: "You are a kind man, Captain Ri."

C: "That came out of nowhere."

S: "And I really like your face. Have I told you, you have a handsome face? See this

dimple here? And this one here?"

C: "Owww, your fingers..."

S: "You're such a baby."

Bodies adjust. Captain groans.

C: "Your leg's heavy."

S: "Psshhh. Stop telling porky."


S: "What if I can't leave?"

C: "Shhh, try to sleep."

A lamp switch clicks.

S: "Could I stay with you?"


S: "I am your fiancée."

C: "Pretend fiancée."

S: "I want two little boys who look just like you."

C: "Seri and soju don't mix well together."

S: "Hyeoki 1 and Hyeoki 2."

Captain's tiny laugh.

S: "What's this?"

C: "A soldier's scar."

S: "It's so long."

Captain's heavy breathing.

C: "Stop touching."

S: "Jeong-hyeok?"

C: "Hmmm?"

S: "I won't remember this tomorrow."

C: "I know."

S: "I just want you to know..."

C: "Sleep."

S: "... you're my home now."

She snores.

After a while, Man Bok hears the captain stand up from the bed and leave the room.  He hears him walking around the kitchen.  A rooster crows.

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