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"I hope that you'll enjoy your stay here in Los Angeles Valley College, Ms. Gonzales" the principal of the school told me.

I smiled at her and said, "I'm excited for what's ahead, Principal Oborne."

She brightens up at what I said and called her secretary through the phone. As soon as she dropped the phone, her secretary went inside.

"Ms. Gonzales, this is Ms. Green, she will help you until you can stand up on your feet and walk in the halls of this school. She has your registration form and your schedule, and she will accompany you until you reach the door of your first class. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to finish my papers." She said politely.

I just nod at her.

"Let's go, Ms. Gonzales." Ms. Green cued me to go out of the Principal's room.

As soon as we got out of the Principal's Office, Ms. Green gave me my registration form and my schedule for the whole semester. She started walking while explaining about the "rules of the school", I followed her while looking at my schedule at hand, but I keep on thinking about what Kurt has said about Gab, 'maybe I should break up with him.' I thought to myself.

My thoughts we're interrupted when I felt my nose hit something and embarrassed when I realized I bumped into Ms. Green's back because I wasn't paying attention.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled to her as I rubbed my nose, but she just remains emotionless as I heard her speak,

"Ms. Gonzales, here's your first class. Physics."

Pointing at the close door while looking at me, I just nod and smiled at her. She knocked, and a male teacher comes out. The teacher looked at me and then to Ms. Green.

"Mr. Daniels, this is the new student. Ms. Leah Gonzales." He nods at her and then goes back to the classroom leaving the door open, I took that as a signal that I should go in.

I smiled at Ms. Green and said, "Thank you."

I stood in front of the whole class as Mr. Daniels, introduced me. He said that I can choose any vacant sit, that's why I chose the one beside the window. Mr. Daniels on the other hand continued his lecture about Physics, they were already on gravity, I immediately get my notebook and take notes as I listen to the lecture.

Class ended as quickly as it started, by the time that I look at the clock, it's already lunch break. I was too afraid that I haven't talked to anyone in my first two class, Physics and History, that's why I didn't have anyone to eat lunch with.

Still, I mustered up my courage and went inside the cafeteria. Observing the crowd as I walked in, I stifled a laugh as I saw the status quo that they have, it's exactly like how the movies that I watch back in the Philippines portrayed it.

"I hope I could do this." I whispered to myself, as I feared being racially discriminated.

"You can." I heard a familiar voice from my back, I turned around to see Kurt, smiling.

I sighed in relief and he laughed probably knowing how relieved I am when I saw that we go to the same school.

"Don't laugh at me... I'm sorry, I'm really scared about this status quo and then I saw you and I thou-."

He cut me off by saying, "You thought that I'm here, so everything will be okay?"

I nod at him, he smiled and said, "Let's get lunch." He walks toward the line on the cafeteria and I followed suit, blushing.

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